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Monday, April 29, 2013

My week In photos!

So the last week has been alot of fun and I decided that I would do a week in pictures kind of post and if I like it and things thenn I will continue to post them lol. Also just alittle heads up about what is going on in my life right now, I am graduating in about 3 weeks so I have finals and senior things so my next few weeks are going to be sufficiently hectic. Then right after graduation I will be getting my wisdom teeth pulled so I assume that I will be bed ridden and uncomfortable but I will try as hard as possible to keep my posts coming. After these hectic four weeks I will be having a summer free of school and hopefully I will find a summer job and then in the fall I am off to grad school so alot of big changes in my life and I am planning to carry this blog through out. So essentially I am excited and I plan on keeping up with my blog and posting regularly but there may be some weeks with only one or two posts compared to three or four on other weeks I just need to figure out my schedualing. 
 And here is my last week :) 


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