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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pesto Caprese Chicken

Lately I have been trying to eat healthier (the struggle... I want to bake something chocolatey). I am not trying to crash diet or anything because that is horrible for your body, but me and eddie are trying to incorporate more vegetables and a healthier lifestyle. So one of the new recipies I decided to try is this Pesto  Caprese Chicken. 
What you'll need: 
- 2 medium to large Chicken breasts
- about 2 tbls. of Pesto 
- 2 medium tomatos 
- Mozzarella Cheese  
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Grill/ George Forman
- Turn on George Forman to 350 degrees and preheat oven to 350 degrees 
- Add salt and pepper to the chicken to personal taste then place on the George Forman and Cook for about 10 minutes or until cooked thuroughly ( may take less time depends on chicken thickness ) 
- While chicken is grilling slice the tomatos in topretty thin slices
- Once chicken is done spread about a table spoon of pesto on each peice of chicken
- Next add the slices of tomatos on the pesto
- Finish by adding mozzarella to the tomato later for this add as much as you like I know eddie likes his very cheesy so I added more for him

- Now place them in a casserole dish or on a baking sheet and place in the oven 
- Bake for about 10 min or until the mozzarella is well melted 
- durring this time I made some chopped spinach or you could be making another vegetable or some whole wheat pasta
This was delicioius and the perfect size dinner for me tonight, eddie had a few chips because he wasn't quite full but next time were going to make some whole wheat pasta to go along with it. 
Hope you enjoyed this recipie and let me know in a comment below if you try it out!
Stephanie xx