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Friday, April 12, 2013

Brown Rice Chicken Stir Fry

Now going on with my healthy food kick I made stir fry with brown rice and vegetables. This is probably one of my favorite meals right now to make, its very simple, doesn't take much time, and is delicious. I also will make enough so that me and eddie will get more than one meal out of it (which by the way it taste pretty good cold too so I was able to take the left overs to eat for lunch the next day) 

What you'll Need: 
- 2 cups of rice
- 1 medium zucchini
- half a red pepper
- one medium onion 
- about a quater cup of teriyaki or stir fry sauce 
- 3 peices of chicken 

First grill the chicken I used my george forman but you can use a normal grill, while grilling the chicken start making the rice as instructed on the box, also chop up the zucchini onion and pepper for the peppers I like to cut them in to cubes and I use thin slices of zucchini becaus they cook quicker when they are thinner, then the onions I chopped into alittle smaller than the pepper (or should I say Eddie chopped because lets be honest I can not chop and onion with out crying and when I say crying I don't mean a few tears but a hysterical cry. I really hope I'm not the only one). 
I then put the vegetables in to a frying pan on meadium heat with some olive oil, I cover it with a lid to let it seam and leave it alone for about 3-5min after that I check it periodically stiring around the vegetables until they are all cooked thuroughly. 
Once the vegetables are all cooked I add the chicken and the Teriyaki sauce and let it simmer for another few minutes. I also add a little bit of teriyaki to the rice. 
Then mix together the rice and the Vegetables and Chicken in a large bowl and serve, I usually will take about half out before I serve and put it in to a tupperware container so that I already have that out and saved  to put in the refrigerator for the next day. 

If you have any suggestions for other ways to make a stir fry or different vegetables that you use let me know in a comment below, I am always willing to try new things! 
Stephanie xx


  1. Indeed, I'm looking for the stir fry recipe that is very healthy, easy to prepare and it looks delicious. And I guess this is the perfect stir fry I'm looking for. I will try this later for our dinner and I wish I can cook it right!. Thank you for sharing.

    best stir fry recipe

    1. I hope you enjoy it! It's one of my favorite stir fry recipes.
