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Monday, April 15, 2013

Oatmeal Apple Muffins

I am and always have been a baker I love being in the kitchen its relaxing and I love creating something delicious to share with my family and friends. Now in my health persuit baking really is a difficult task and with a limited pantry I struggle even harder. So these muffins were really a trial and error for me I wanted a healthy yet great tasting food that I could bake. So this churning in my head for a few days what to make what to try and how to do it. This gem is what I came up with, and I can promise you its good because eddie ate it and he is the pickiest sweet eater ever he doesn't like cake I mean come on who doesn't like cake? So anyway I can atest to the wonderful taste of these muffins and heres how to make them!

- 1 6oz container of apple cinnamon chobani
- 2 packages of Quaker Instant Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
- 1/2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 

  Combine all the ingredients and distribute evenly in to a cup cake pan, make sure you use the paper cupcake things the mix is very sticky so would likely stick horribly to the pan if you didn't have them i think it would be horrible to get them out of the pan. 
Bake for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Most important Do not remove them from the paper until they are cool! This is important becase they will fall appart if you dont let them cool and seal together. The ones that I ate this morning for breakfast came out of the paper 10 times better than the ones I ate last night so I really recomend patients here. 
Let me know in a comment below if you try out this recipie I would love to hear if it works out as well for you and what your opinions are on the muffins
Stephanie xx

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