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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chicken Pesto Pizza Bites

Tonight I decided to try something new, and one of my favorite foods to eat is chicken pesto pizza, but seeing as I have made the pizza before I was looking to do something alittle more creative with it. So after deliberation I came up with these. They are cheesy and delicous pizza bites. I did both pesto chicken bites as well as two with pasta sauce and cheese. 

- 3 flower tortillas ( I used Tostitos0 
- 3 chicken breasts grilled
- Pesto you will end up using like 5 tbsp atleast 
- Mozzarella cheese about a cup 

- If you want to make the regular pizza one you will need some type of pasta sauce 

- Grill Chicken with seasoning of salt and pepper, I do this on a george forman but you could do it on a regular grill also
- While the Chicken is grilling cut out the tortillas by using a large mug and cutting around it in a circle shape, if they arent perfect thats okay
- spray a muffin tin with cooking spray and place the circle tortillas in it.
- the tortillas will not fit perfectly, and will likely rip but don't worry they will still turn out okay just try to avoid the tearing of them
- Once the chicken is done cut them in to small cubes
- Combine the small cubes with pesto and mozzarella in a small bowl mixing them thuroughly
- Line the tortillas in the muffin pan with pesto a very thin layer
- Then fill the tortillas with the chicken pesto and mozzarella mix
- Sprinkle some mozzarella on top after you add the chicken
- then bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees

If you want to use just regular sauce then I put a small layer of mozzarella on the bottom of the tortilla and then added about a tablespoon of sauce and topped it off wiht more mozzarella 

I hope you try out this recipie and truly enjoy it. Let me know if you like this recipie and how it came out if you decided to try it for yourself! 
Stephanie xx

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