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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Review of Lush Cosmetic Warrior Face Mask

Now I wouldn't say I have bad skin and at the same time I wouldn't say I have perfect skin so for me cleaning my face and using face masks is essentially to keep my face healthy help prevent minor break outs and prevent black heads. The one area that I do see trouble with my face is the area around my nose commonly had black heads and in my mind big pores. 
I have now used the cosmetic warrior face mask from Lush twice, and as it is supposed to I have found that it decreases the number of break outs and black heads that i have. As well as that I have found that it decreases the amoung of redness on my face and makes my skin very soft and smooth. In the last two weeks that I have been using it eddie has commented on the softness of my skin atleast three times. 
The one thing about this product that I have trouble with is its smell, it really doesn't smell that great and I know Lush has a few better smelling masks which I may try next time ( I know quite superficial of me but I like to smell happy things when I am treating myself). 

Application and Step by step feelings: 
I like to have a damp face to apply I usually apply right out of my bath, but wetting your face with a washcloth would work just as well. 
Apply a generous amount to your face avoiding eyes and mouth, now it does have peices in it which feel weird at first but you get used to them. 
Let it sit for about 10 minutes without it getting completely hard, youll start to feel it hardening but according to Lush you dont want the mask to completely harden. 
After the 10 min or so, take of the mask with hot water. 
After taking the mask off my face just feels cleaner, and smoother and the feeling after taking the mask off is probably the biggest reason I have for wanting to re purchase the Cosmetic Warrior. 

I hope you enjoyed this review if you would like to read more posts like this reviewing products let me know in a comment below! 


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