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Friday, April 5, 2013

Sweet Potato Fries Yum!

This week as spring is approacing and I am trying to get in better shape for summer I have decided to make some big changes to my diet, as someone who works out regularly my diet is where I struggle. I generally lived a college diet and go out with my friends and eat some pretty crummy food. So this week I have really been working on healthy eating. So on this track I decided to try to see if I could make myself some sweet potato fries. To my suprise they actually turned out pretty good!!
To start off my venture I first peeled my sweet potato so for anyone who has never done this before it is not as easy as peeling a potato let me just tell you that know. I'm sure it gets easier with practice but I deffinatly struggled so make sure you have a good knife to work with. 
Once the potato was peeled I decided to slice mine in half becuase it was pretty big and I didnt want crazy long fries as well as it being very difficult to cut. After this I cut it in to slices and strips of potato about a cm wide and a cm thick. I have always prefered shoe stringy like fries and while they all did not turn out that thin I tried, So if you prefer wedges or steak fries go for it this way just seemed the easiest for me to cut. So once I did this I put them all in a strainer and ran some water over them just to make sure they are washed and I have read that doing this will remove some of the starch from the potatos. Also after you do this make sure you dry them with a paper towel really well 
Once I dried the potatos I transfered them to a small bowl 
To the bowl I added olive oil about 3 tbsp, Some salt and pepper to your individual liking and alittle less than a hand full of bread crumbs. This process would be best if you had a plastic back to shake it all up in however I lacked that unfortunatly so if you are in the same boat as me just make sure that you coat all of the fries pretty evenly. 
Pre baking photo! So I put the oven on to 400 and baked them for 40 minutes. Now as you can see I made some regular potato fries for eddie since he is not a fan of sweet potatoes and they are on the left. And yes I made a ton! I am eating the left overs at the moment actually and they are just as delicious :) 
And the finished products! some delicious fries. 
I hope you all enjoy!! and let me know in a comment below if you decide to try them out. 
Later lovies 

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