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Sunday, April 21, 2013

7 Easy Ideas for Earth Day

 Tomrrow April 22 is Earth Day 2013 a day when we need to celebrate and be kind to our earth even more than normal because while we may call our houses our homes our true home is this earth which provides for us and allows us to do everything that we do on a daily basis. As a Biology major I am very passionate abou tht earth and its creatures I love being out side and enjoying nature so I think tomorrow is an important day to immerse in to nature and be good and kind to our earth. So today I am going to list 7 things that you can do tomorrow and every other day to be good to the earth. 

1. Plant your Garden, If you haven't done so alread tomorrow is a great day to get outside and plant your garden from flowers to vegetables to a fruit tree. Flowers are beautiful to look and and I love having a beautiful garden but besides that there is also vegetbale gardens that will provide you with fruits and vegetables for the summer which reduces your grocery expenses as well as gives you the peace of mind in knowning that what youre eating is fresh and clean and pesticide and antibiotic free. 
2. Go on a hike, visit your local nature reserve or even a local mountain that lets you relax and absorb the nature around you. I love going on hikes to feel alittle bit more at peace with myself you have time to reflect and take in the beauty of your local regions, even take a picnic lunch to really spend time and enjoy the world around you. 
3. Recycle! It is very important to recycle year round but even more important on earth day, yesterday me and eddie went and did all of our recycling instead of letting it build up or put in the trash we to it to be recycled
4. Leave your keys at home. If you are able walk to work or school do it one day isnt going to hurt, I know I live about a mile walk frmo school so I will be walking tomorrow
5. Spend your day outside. Get out as much as possible it is spring and likely a nice day tomorrow so it is good to just get outside, me and eddie will usually go to the park and through a ball around or go play basketball or even just sit out in the sun get outside and away from the computer screen. If you work take your lunch outside or spend your lunch going for a walk. 
6. Have a technology free day. .Unless youre required to be on your phone for work or need to make emergency phone calls try to keep your hands of your electronic devices. 
7. Take your workout outside. I am so excited to run along the river tomorrow I also find runs outside a bit easier but besides that you get to feel the fresh air and wind on your run rather than being in the gym and if youre not a runner go for a walk or do some exercises outdoors jump rope, push ups squats and things liek them can be done outside and dont require the gym. For people who aren't regular gym goers start your outside workouts to start your road to health. 

Everyday is a good day to enjoy nature but tomorrow is esspecially a good day to appreciate the earth and help you be healthy by gettting out and celebrating the earth. 

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