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Monday, April 1, 2013

How to Perogis!

So over the easter long weekend I made perogis among other things with my mom and my cousin. If you are unsure what exactly perogis are the best way I can describe it as polish ravioli but not at all the same and personally I like them better. They can be stuffed with potatos or farmers cheese I prefer potatos. You can also change up how you prepare them, for example I like to put mine in just melted butter, my mom likes to brown her butter in a sauce pan, and my cousin likes to put them in melted butter and brown sugar so it really depends on how you like them. Perogis also are of Polish origin and because they are kind of stressful to make most families make them once or twice a year usually around Christmas and Easter. So how do you make these gems keep on reading to find out! Also the Recipie I am going to provide is to make the potato perogis. 

Perogi Dough
3 cups of flower 
1/3 cup of Vegetable oil
1 cup of warm water 
1 tsp of salt 

So first you are going to mix this dough. We used a Kitchenaid mixer but any mixer should work. Once the ingredients are mixed take the dough and put it in a bowl and cover it with a towel. Let it sit for about a half hour but can sit longer. 
While mixing the dough begin to boil your potatos until they are ready to be mashed. Once they are boiled strain them and amke sure there is no water left 
To just up the anty alittle we make cheesy potatoes! So first add milk, butter and salt to your liking. 
Next comes the cheeses, we used American, Cheddar, and Velveta. Also add those to your liking but generally the more cheese the better in my opinion. Also make sure you mix it well otherwise you will end up with some perogis that arent very cheesey. 
Make sure you let the potatoes cool and then move on to working with the dough
so after the hour it is time to knead and roll out the dough. Use a flat surface and make sure the surface and the rolling pin are flowered well. The Dough Can be seperated in to four pieces before kneading. Knead a few times until it seems not difficult to work with. Know this is mainly because you need the dough to still be alittle sticky but not entirely so that it will seal when you use the  B-I-G maker. Roll the dough out so that it is large enough to cover the maker and is thin so a bit thicker than paper. 
So this is the nifty little maker we used. Also flower this before using. Once your dough is rolled out place it down over the maker and place an oval of potato alittle smaller than the maker in each of the sections. Then roll out a second peice of dough the same size and thickness and place it over the potatoes. Push down the potatoes alittle then roll over the dough with a rolling pin. make sure you can see the red of the maker then remove the excess dough which should peel off easily. Then flip the maker over and the perogis should fall out. Place the made perogis on a baking sheet or some other flat surface that is coverd in tinfoil. 
We also placed some of ours on parchmet paper. Each batch of dough will make about 50 perogis. Once made on to cooking and eating!! Take the perogis and place them in boiling water for about five minutes. You will see them float to the top of the water. Then take them out and strain them to make sure any extra water is draied. I then place them in melted butter but you can eat them as you please :) 
I hope you enjoy your perogis and let me know if you try them in the commets below!
Later lovies 

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