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Friday, April 26, 2013

Italian Sandwiches

This is probably one of my favorite foods ever!!! My mom only makes them on certain occassions where she needs to bring an appetizer but I really like them for a meal in general. They are just perfect and I devour them but warning probably aren't the healthiest food for you, but totally worth ignoring your calorie count for the day, and they are pretty easy to make as well. 

- 3 packages of Crescent rolls
- 1/4 pound of salami
- 1/4 pound of pepperoni
- 1/4 pound of ham
- 1/4 pound of provalone
- 1/4 cup of grated parmasean cheese
- 2 eggs 
- 2 jars of roasted red peppers

So I am going to just give a breif picture not exactly step by step but close, then I will describe alittle more how I go about makeing these. 

So how does this master peice come together you may ask? 

- Starting I lay out the first crescent roll along the bottom of a casserole dish 
- Next I add the pepperoni so that there is barely any of the crescent roll visible through the pepperoni 
- Then I add the ham laying it out flat on top of the pepperoni, If you want since ham is pretty thin if you want to buy some more ham then you can double up on it and make the sandwiches a bit more meaty
- After the ham I add my first layer of peppers just laying them out across it but I dont put them super close together just kind of evenly around so that you can do a second layer of peppers
- Now I am sure you were all thinking eggs hmm she must put them on the top like a glaze or something but no it goes in the middle, I mix the eggs so that the yolk is broken and they are all mixed up and then I mix in the parmasean cheese with the egg, I then spread it around
- Now its time to break out the second crescent roll just roll it out over top
- Finally the last meat is going on your sandwhich, so now I add the salami same way you add the pepperoni 
- on top of the salami I add the provalone cheese, which I add in the same way I do with the salami and pepperoni 
- lastly I add the rest of the peppers and cover it with the final crescent roll 
- Put the dish in the oven for about 20 min at 350 degrees, or until all the layers of crescent roll begin to look browned
and ENJOY! 

Now I know I gave you the specific order in which I put the ingredients together but you really dont have to put them in that order mix it up be crazy go for the change and let me know what combinations you like best! 

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