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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

So Instead of doing my normal weekly wrap up this week I had alot of family time stuff going on so it is just going to be a fill in on my easter weekend and my family and alot of pictures that I took and such

So first and foremost since I did spend the weekend at my parents house I got to see my puppy!!! shes not really a puppy anymore at almost 6 but she will forever be my puppy lol 
I also went to TCBY with my parents for some frozen yogurt and they had peeps for easter!! 
I Loved my easter ouftit today I wore a Jacket from the Gap, my necklace was from old navy, and just a peachy colored tank from American Eagle 

now as a Slovakian we make Paska and Potato Pagach and this traditional bread has been passed down and is now made by me and my mom we start on friday night preparing the dough and then bake them on saturday morning and this is probably one of my favorite holidays because of this bread I can't even explain how much I love it!! We also made perogis on friday which I am probably going to do a seperate post on how to make.

And the left picture is a picture of the Paska bread, and then the right picture is just kinda all our Solvakian food out for breakfast consisting of Paska Potato Pagach and Keilbasa :) 
I hope you all had a wonderful easter! and I will probably be doing a how to perogi video tomorrow so be sure to look out for that!! 
Later lovies :) 

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