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Sunday, June 30, 2013

So I'm Buying a Laptop

I am in the market for a new laptop and I have NO idea what to buy I am clueless I currently have a sony vaio I love it because it is purple and pretty and everything but I have cracked the screen twice aka I am a cluts thier screens are so easy to replace which is positive so I dont know 

I have given thought to a mac but I am so used to working with windows do I want to switch or do I not want to switch, but I would really love the mac unique programs, I would love ivideo and iphoto but at the same time I know how to use my photo editor on windows and I understand how programs run on windows so less getting used to. 

I also have thought about getting one that is a touchscreen which I really like the idea of especially with the new windows which as a person of habit and not a fan of change I am nervous of so right now I am really focused on a lenovo touch screen I have heard lenovos are good computers thats the kind my brother currently has and he likes it so I dont know ahhh such a decision!

If you have any opinions on a computer What computer you have had? Computers you have liked? or Ones that you have not liked Pleaseee let me know in a comment below! 


  1. If you looking to purchase laptop then Apple MacBook Pro MD101HN/A 13-inch dual-core i5 2.5GHz is one of the best laptop.It's integrated features is superb.It is design for the professional.Personally,I recommend for this laptop.It is available on price Rs.- 79,900/- on shopbychoice.I hope this information will help you at the time purchasing laptop.
