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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to keep sandwiches sand free at the beach!

Hello!! as you may or may not know I am at the beach for vacation for the week just enjoying the sun and some fun with my family. Currently we are enjoying a coctail hour with some cheese and crackers and my favorite mango daquri. While on this vacation I pondered what on earth am I going to blog about this week, I could discuss my travels, some hot spots of my favorite places to eat some outfit choices the list was endless but then working to prepare sandwiches for the beach I realized my moms sandwich packing Idea was perfect it keeps your sandwich from getting soggy and if you do it propperly you can get a sand free sandwich. You can choose to follow by picture example or I will list steps below
1. Step one is to lay out all your meats we do this so that you have the options and everyone can make thier own sandwiches to thier liking
2. Pull out a peice of saran wrap the bigger you want your sandwich the more saran wrap you will need
3. Place the first meat selection on the end of the saran wrap so that theres alittle to fold over then fold it over again once so that the meat is not showing but the saran wrap is now if you want to add more meat add and then fold over again or you can move on to cheeses and do the same thing
4. once all the meats and cheese are added then just keep folding and seal the saran wrap at the end.
5. Place the wrapped up meats inside your slices of bread your roll or what ever you choose to eat a sandwich on then add mustard, mayo ect. to the middle of the roll. 
6. Place in a sandwich bag and lable and you are good to go 
we then took all the little sandwich bags and put them in a big freezer bag and pack in a cooler this is yet another sand prevention measure 

hope you all enjoyed this quick post! I probably wont post again until sunday with a vaca recap possibly a restaurant suggestion post who knows lol I hope you all are having a wonderful week! 

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