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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cha-Cha-Cha- CHIA

I have caved to the trend and have had my first Chia product. 

For those of you who dont know what Chia is or means, It is a seed that is mostly grown in mexico it comes from the plant Salvia Hispanica. The use of Chia seeds dates back to the Mayan's and Aztecs, more recently it is known by the fad Chia pets which is where many 90s kids know the cha-cha-cha- Chia comercials in which the Chia seeds were used in a clay mold to grow a grass that appeared like hair on what ever the clay mold was, I vividly remember my uncle buying my cousin a cat chia pet because she forgot to give him a list for Christmas. 

Now all this talk about seeds and plants my have you wondering so where does this come in with food? well there are many different ways to use these seeds they can be bought already in food, for example some Natures Path cereals are made with Chia seeds, it can also be bought in a drink form which is what I will focus on as I tried a drink from the company Mamma Chia, you can also buy it at your local grocery store and use it for baking or cooking on your own accord. 

Some of the positives of the Chia seed are that they can be used in products that are gluten free as well as vegan. They also contain Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids , Carbohydrates, Protein, Fiber, Antioxidants and Calcium 

The Chia product that I have tried out is Cranberry Lemonade by Mamma Chia

The Mamma Chia company started with Janie Hoffman the creator and now CEO who began using chia to benifit her own health and created the company to share these wonderful seeds with her community. The Mamma Chia brand has grown since its 2009 start, seeing as it has reached specialty stores such as whole foods in Connecticut it has branched pretty far since its San Diego beginings. The Mamma Chia Products range from the Vitality Beverage which is what I got as well as Mamma Chia Squeeze which Im not really sure what exactly they are but basically a squeeze togo pouch snack. There is tons more information about Mamma Chia and the amazing things that their drinks can do for you at

Now what you have all been waiting for I'm sure My opinion!  
So what do I think of this Mamma Chia drink? First of all I LOVE the flavor, I bought it in cranberry lemonade and it is delicious I also really want to try the Cherry Lime :) as well as many of the other flavors.
The texture is something unexpected I had heard of it before so I kinda knew what to expect, but for those of you who don't really know something with the chia seeds makes the drink almost gelatin like... not that I'm promoting drinking but I kind of think of it as a liquidy jello shot BUT HEALTHY FOR YOU !!! 
Also you may be thinking I don't really like the idea of a seed in my drink... but let me tell you , I hate smoothies that have seeds in them I just dont like there to be something crunchy in my drink call me crazy lol. But I really dont mind it in these the seeds go down really easy and once you get past the initiall omg this is really jello like its not bad at all! 

I hope this post was helpful!! If you have tried Chia in other ways besides these Mamma Chia drinks let me know in a comment below what you think of Chia seeds and other ways that you have used them! 


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