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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Update, Graduation Party, Things to come

So just alittle update on what my plans are, this summer I do have a job so my week days are pretty well occupied as well as having to study for school since we have a test the first week. However even with this busy summer I have a goal to update twice a week and will with out a doubt post once a week I will try to post more I would love to post every day but at this point I really dont have the time especially if I want to post better quality posts which I do want to do and work on so yeah thats pretty much whats going on with that. 

Now with my current life today was my graduation party I had so much fun enjoying time with my family we had a breakfast with mimosas and a whole ton of different foods that my mom put together and it was really great 
The party was also very beachy themed I loved it my mom did an amazing job! Alot of the pastrys we got a fresh market which is kind of like a whole foods they were delicious!! 

So also coming up this week is my birthday!!! I will be turning 22 alot of my friends have not been handling the turning 22 well but I am actually doing okay with it I dont really see a problem maybe when I turn 25 age will hit me. I think since I still have 3 years of school being an adult hasn't quite hit me. 

I'm sorry this is a uneventful post but I will probably have a new one up tomorrow 

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