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Monday, June 24, 2013

Squat Challenge

I hope you all had a wonderful monday!! I actually dont mind mondays its back to a schedual and a plan usually by wednesday I am dying for friday lol but for now I'm happy with my mondays. However this post is not about mondays al though today as long as the start to the week is the start to a challenge that I found on tumblr yes I have a tumblr it is pushhardermovefasterbestronger if you want deffinitly go check it out!! Anyway so after my morning workout I was eating breakfast and browsing tumblr and came across this awesome challenge and decided I could use to tighten up my butt up a bit so he goes nothing 
I am sorry for the huge butt picture lol 

I have completed day one of the challenge lets just hope that a few more days in a can actually do a squat lol If you decide to do this challenge with me deffinitly leave a comment below!! 

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