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Monday, June 17, 2013

Book Review

Just a little quick fun story to start off this post... I have been debating some different ideas for my blog post today bouncing around different ideas, so I decided to bounce and idea off of Eddie and the response I get is you know what you should blog about what not to do when your surfing, and he didnt suggest this because I am a great sufer and could give some pointers nope it was a suggestion of sarcasm because I am infact the worst surfer ever and took a surf board to my face. 
If you dont like details scroll past this lovely picture
quite the bruise on the inside of my lip its not a great picture but yes so my suggestion is if you try surfing when you fall off go under water and go under fast do not try to stop the board with your hands when a wave is crashing in to it go under water it will go over you instead of in to you

Now my real post today is going to be about an awesome book 
This book was my beach read and I loved every minute of it 
to understand my love of this book you have to understand how I read, when I read a book I think I am the character in the book not even joking when I read the Hunger Games I thought I was Katniss I had dreams about running through the forest and shooting arrows at squirrels So this DA turned Journalist who is determined to investigate adn find out every little detail is perfect for me Its alittle mystery and lots of drama you never know what will happen next and there are twists right to the very end, and I mean that you think the story is over but you have about 30 more pages and those last 30 will blow your mind. 
So do I recomend this book absolutely!! 

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