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Friday, May 31, 2013

What a week

Not that it is over yet I still have the weekend but I had alot of fun when I was in New York with Eddie, we really just hung out and enjoyed each others company. We also went on a really nice long walk around a trail it was about 5 miles all together and then I ofcourse had to enjoy the playground and eddie came along lol. Did you know that there are playgrounds with rock climbing walls!!! I was thrilled and even after a 5 mile walk in 90 degree weather I took full advantage of them.
Also my next few posts I think and am planning on being a May Favorite things and Whats in my purse then a packing post and then I am off for vacation!! I will try to post there but no garuntees. 

Some pictures of my time in New York 

The walk was alot of fun we even saw some goslings :) I was so excited Eddie was afraid the rather large father goose was going to chase us 

I ofcourse had to add the handsome Mr. Chester to my pictrues and the Top right is is the amazing sunset last night. Please ignore my bright red mouth also I had some gatorade and welp thats what happens when you drink red gatorade. 

I hope you all had a great week and I look forward to a new post soon! 

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