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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Peppers and Onion Pizza

Hello lovies! I am now two finals down two to go and so happy!! I have a last few days of studying to get in and then hopefully by thursday I will be all done then on to senior week festivities. In leu of my cheery mood I decided to post pone studing for alittle later and post a pizza recipie for you guys and here it is! Last week I had a craving for pizza and pepperoni and so I decided to whip up this pizza quick for lunch one day. It is probably one of my favorite pizzas next to chiken and pesto 

- Pilsbury artisan pizza dough 
- 1 onion
- 1 green pepper
- tomato sause
- romano cheese
- pepperoni pizza 

YUM! so first you start by pressing out the pizza dough on to a cookie sheet while the oven pre heats to 400 degrees 
Next put the dough in the oven for about 10 minutes so it starts to bake, while the dough is baking prepare the peppers and onions by cutting them in to cubes or to your liking
After 10 minutes of baking lay down the pasta sauce on the pizza dough and spread the peppers and onions across the pizza
next add the pepperoni and romano cheese
bake for an additional 15 minutes and you have some crispy delicious pizza! 

Just a side note if you are looking for quick easy pizza dough the pilsbury doughs are fantastic!!! they are simple and pretty much lay out perfectly with out to much working of the dough and no rolling pin needed (which is great cause I dont have one lol) 

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