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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pastina Pastina Pastina

As you may or may not know I had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday which means my food choices for the last week have been very limited. I truly have been living off yogurt and Pastina Now if you don't know what Pastina is it is basically these tiny little pasta stars. Now they are very good but when they are all you can eat it gets boring, so I being my creative self have come up with different ways if eating Pastina and so far I have 4 of them 2 pretty general and classic and two a little out there but I promise you they are all delicious.
1. The classic butter and salt, so this was my original taste of Pastina and it is very good and very simple but I wanted something different 
2. So I moved on to pasta sauce newmans  own is my favorite sauce at the moment and it was delicious but again in the mood for something different 
3. Which brings me to dinner the other night when my family was having tacos and I was stuck with same old Pastina well guess what I did I too some of the liquid that was in the meat with the taco seasoning and poured it in to my Pastina and it was delicious I could not get enough if it honestly you may think I'm crazy but try it and you'll love it 
4. Lastly I am a barbecue sauce addict not joking here I'm obsessed and knowing my obsession Eddie who had come to my parents to help take care of me goes I'm surprised you haven't put barbecue sauce on it yet I took this as a challenge and I accepted so barbecue sauce on Pastina don't hate till you try it cause its fantastic! 

So if you are with me in the unlucky bunch with wisdom teeth removal try these combinations because I am four days in and I promise the same foods get old quick. 

Also a side note I am in the process of trying to purchase a new laptop so until I get it my posts will be from my iPhone or my moms iPad so if they aren't quite as organized as the posts from my computer I am very sorry.

If you enjoy the Pastina varieties try them out and let me know in a comment below! 

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