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Friday, May 3, 2013

Jillian Michaels!

If you haven't figured out why I was in Connecticut last night yet then you will now! I went to the Jillian Michaels Maximize your Life Tour! It was great she is such an inspirational and motivational speaker and touched on everything from Eating Healthy to Exercise to Improving your Self. Now I do have a minor obsessionwith Jillian I listen to her podcasts have watched every season of biggest loser and just think she is a fantastic role model to so many people, and truelly she has very simple concepts that are just so reasonable for everyone and anyone to follow. So since I am sure many people are not going to get out to be able to go see her I am going to take a few of the things that I learned there and give that information to you. In no way should this replace going to see the show because honestly it was amazing and she is hilarious and I absolutely recomend going to see her live. I also only have like a breif little outline of what I took ut of it and you may take something completely different out of itso GO SEE THE SHOW! its worth it. 

Essentially I am going to just give you guys some of the notes that I took on my phone durring the show (yes I am that neurotic that I took Notes) and then give some comentary on my opinions and such. 

- Read food Labels Carefully ~ When you are look at something that says its healthy really take a look at the label because alot of companies make them to confuse you, check the serving size! 
- Check the Ingredients ~ Ingredients are listed in the order of what is most prevelant in the food, I think it is very important to check Ingredients there are so many artificial dyes and colors and chemicals that are in foods and it is so important for you health not to eat those chemicals 
- "clean 15" ~ essentially these were foods in her presentation that have thicker peels and skins that pesticides have harder times breaking through and getting to your foods so these are foods that if you can't go organic it is not as bad as those with thinnner skin. So sweet potatoes great, mangos great, strawberries go organic :( I know that was rough for me to hear because I LOVE my strawberries and I lack some money in the back pocket lol but it makes sense
- Spend more money on organic meats that organic fruits and veggies ~ now have you ever seen the movie food inc. its pretty gruesome but if you want a reason to buy organic meats check it out 
- Eat 4 meals every 3 to 4 hours~ Now while I am an epic picker lol I think this is a good concept to organize my meals and keep them to eating 4 a day 
- Stop using workout machines~ I LOVE THIS CONCEPT when you sit on a machine and move in one motion constantly maybe that muscle is soar but when youre walking around doing house work are you using one muscle at a time ofcourse not you are using your whole body and thats how you should work out by using your whole body
- Train in Circuts ~ this helps to keep your heart rate up and you moving constantly and have one of the exercises in the circuit be a heart rate increaser like jumping jacks or burpees or jup rope or jogging in place
- If you love something do more of it ~ for example I love blogging maybe I don't have thousands of followers or views or make a ton of money but I love doing it I love thinking up different posts and writing down my thoughts and so I am doing more of it!! 
- Gear your environment for Success ~ So in your house remove temptations, pack your gym clothes the night before so they are there and kind of a like hey I have to get my butt to the gym, Pack your lunch the night before so when someone says to you hey want to go get sandwiches no I'm okay I brought my lunch. 

So those are just my quick little notes that I took I would really recomend that every one see the show if they can it was a really great experience and I had a great time! 

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