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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yummy Taco Bites

I am going to start off this post by saying it is midnight guys and I am getting up at 7 tomorrow to get up and drive back to New York because I am currently at my parents in CT for a very exciting reason which you will find out in a post tomorrow!! but essentially my purpose for telling you this is that I am tired, and going to be even more tired tomorrow so I am sorry if this post is thrown together alittle but I havent had the chance to get it up all week because I have been busy with finals and I wanted to post this and then post something specific tomorrow so yeah I am trying to get it up at midnight. 
So anyway I made these the other day as a spin off of my Pizza Bites which you can find at that link and If you like this recipie I would deffinitly suggest checking those out as well. 

-  1 packet of Taco Seasoning
- 2lbs of ground beef ( can use less ) 
- Flower tortillas about 4 
- 1 tomato
- Mexican mixed cheese or any mix that you would like

So how are you going to make these gems

- First cooking your ground meat in a frying pan and transfer it in to a large bowl
- Drain any water that is in the bowl I found that my meat got very watery so I had to drain it quite a bit
- mix in the taco seasoning to your personal liking eddie is not a fan of too strong of taco seasoning so I only used about half of the packet for two pounds of taco meat
- Then cut out the tortillas and put them in to the muffin tin so that they cover the bottom I use a large mug for size 
- Fill in the cups with the taco meat
- Some of the cups I added diced tomatos which was really good
- then top off with cheese and bake in the oven at 350 for about 15minutes 

I ended up having a lot of left over meet after I made a muffin tins worth of these so with what was left over I made a taco salad to bring for lunch the next day so you could either make a second batch of bites cook less meat or do what I did and use it as a meal plan for the next day. 
Hope you enjoyed this recipie and leave some feedback in a comment below. I am going to try to catch some zzzzzsss now :) 

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