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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

In need of a Gym free workout!

So as you may know if you have seen my recent posts I am graduating this week so I have alot of things going on which also means that I have been eating horidly and have had not much time to get a work out in. So I browsed some fit blogs and came across an awesome workout by sarahfit! Now this is an outdoor workout which I really enjoyed because it has been pretty nice out so I was excited to do a workout outside which didnt require me to get to the gym. Outdoor workout Just click that link and it will bring you to her youtube video! she also has alot of imformative workout videos and such that I would deffinitly recomend checking out too!! This work out is a whole body workout and the only weights you will need is your own body weight, it is 5 sets of 4 different work outs completed in a circuit. 
First is me pre work out then me post work out and finally the time it took me to complete the circuit. If you take on this challege work out be sure to let me know in a comment below as well as your time I cant wait to do this challege agian and try to beat my time!

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