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Sunday, March 17, 2013

My week

I am literally doing this from my bathtub right now no judgement here but im taking advantage of free time lol and mentioning that i am going to do a sunday afternoon/night relax elimination free thought period essentials! Because this is how i de-stress from my week and prepare to start a new one which i think is very important for a clean and healthy mind. So on to my week review also my new thing this week is podcasts specifically jillian Michaels i just love her and i really enjoy her podcasts because when i went to look for a podcast to listen to i wanted someone inspirational and informative and motivational... Which is difficult to find without being spiritual and right now in my life i do not have very spiritual attitude and i have not really established a spirituality or spiritual view so i am looking for inspiration yo lead a better mind set with out being spiritual and her podcasts are fantastic! So i deffinatly recommend them

What are my inspirational thoughts?
More knowledge lesser the ego lesser the knowledge more the ego

We dont control the world we control the world we control how we respond to the curve balls life throws at us

Did i do anything exciting?
Nothing incredible i went to see my mom for her birthday so didnt really have a crazy st pattys day plans

What did a stuggle with/ could improve on?
I had a rough week and got some tough information and it took me some time but i finally realized that it is more important to take the struggles and use them as motivation. I need to learn from my past and embrace my future and be prepared for any possibilities and i need to work on having a positive mind in order to be successful

Favorite food/ snack?
Kielbasa!! Easters coming so as a slovakian i had kielbasa for the first time and it was delicious
Naked juice lovin all week its delicious my favorite is the berry boost i think it has blueberries and blackberries but its deliciousss

Favorite tv episode?
Biggest loser again!! Lol im obsessed and i love dani shes an inspiration

New suggested products, movies, ect
So i am really in love with my new eye make up remover from nutrigena because make up wipes tend to hurt my eyes and make them red and irritated so i started putting this on a qutip and taking my eye make up this way and honestly it has helped tremendously

Netflix hook?
Supernatural me and eddie have been watching it quite a bit this week and we have been going through the seasons for awhile and its just so good

School stuff?
Two midterms tomorrow ahhh im really nervous so i have been tryimg to be focused and get it doen

Favorite app?
Candy crush

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