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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I love zucchini

So I am A huge!!! fan of zucchini it is probably my favorite vegetable and I will eat it any and every way possible. So last night while I was making dinner I decided that I would show you all one of my favorite ways to cook and eat zucchini. Now mind you I am in college and while I do live in an appartment I dont have a full fleged grill with me instead I have gods gift to non girll folk and that is a george forman and I can tell you that I use this thing all the time!!! because grilled vegetables are my favorite. 

First cut up the zucchini in to diagonal slices I try to make them thin because they cook faster that way but Im not a chef here so just slicing in a diagonal as best as possible works for me
After I cut the zucchini I put them in a large zipplock bag to which I add salt pepper, garlic powder, olive oil, and dried basil leaves

Now its time to shake!! I shake up it all in the zipplock back making zure that each peice of zucchini is getting coated

Then I lay them evenly out along the george forman and close the grill for about 10 minutes I check it periodically though because some of the really thin ones will cook faster 

Once they are soft and cooked through I take them off the grill and pile them on to my plate so this is my lovely dinner in total for last night I had breaded chicken that I baked the zucchini and potato wedges that I also baked if you would like a how to on either of those leave a comment below because I frequently cook them
later lovies 

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