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Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Week! 3/3 - 3/10

So this past week I was on spring break and I went New York City to see the Lion Kig with Eddie on Wednesday and then thursday I left for Rhode Island/ Cape Cod with my parents and my brother it was alot of fun 

First off food porn... lol This pulled chicken bbq sandwich from the Hard Rock in Times Square was my delicious lunch on wednesday!! The hard rock is kind of expensive but the food was delicious but it was raining and we really just wanted somewhere to run into quick 

Ahhhh its the hulk :) funny faces 

Me and Eddie at the show!! hes not a fan of pictures 

I love collecting these for all of the Broadway Plays I go to 

Me and Eddie again he has a better smile in this one :P

Opening act was amazing!! the woman who plays rafiki is fantastic!!!

Truly a fantastic show I deffinatly recomend going to see it if you ever get the chance!! 

Me at the Casino!! 

This Bruchetta was amazing!!! beyond explination it was at a restaraunt in Hyannis on Cape Cod 

I am such a weirdo 

Ahhhh the Beach 

Stephanie Sells Seashells at the Sea Shore 

Brother and Dad blatenly ignoring the dont climb on the rocks sign 

wind sweapt hair thank god for braids!!

Light House Number 1

Mr. Seagull here let me get sooo close to him!!!

Light house number two deffinatly my fave 

The recent storms have raised the water level so much on the Cape that the entire beach here was gone the sairs just led righ into the ocean 

And the waves were up to 10 feet on saturday 

Yummy Pesto and Grilled Chicken!! 

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