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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gnocchi Mac and Cheese

So I figured this weeked is easter which for me means quite a bit of food so while knowing im going to eat alot i figured why not start it off right with some gnocchi mac and cheese! 
Delicous sooo cheesy 
for this you will need: 
- gnocchi you will need to bags or boxes or your own homemade if you wish 
- you will also need about a quater cup of milk maybe alittle more you can judge 
- butter
- garlic
- flower
- your choice of cheese I used chedder and mozzarella 

I also made chicken so for that you need
- chicken breasts
- Italian seasoning of bread crumbs 
- 1 egg 
- butter

So this is the chicken that I  made pre baking and for both of these I set my oven at 350. So with the chicken I first dip it in egg cover it with progresso bread crumbs place it on a baking sheet and slice butter really thin and place it on top of the chicken then back for about 15min, but depending on chicken thickness cut the chicken open just in case. 

Next you need to cook the gnocchi by slowly adding it to a pot of boiling water, the gnocchi are done once they are floating then take them out with a big spoon preferably with slits in it ( totally not proper terminology i'm sorry ) 
While cooking your gnocchi on the side prepare your roux and your cheese mix. first by melting a table spoon of butter in a small sauce pan, once melted add garlic and cook until it is fragrent. Next add a table spoon of flower and mix untill combined ad thick. Once thick add a quater cup of milk and mix until it starts to ticken then begin to add cheeses. I didnt measure my cheeses mostly because I love cheese and i wanted it super cheesy so I would cheese to taste. Which is when you may need to add more milk if with the cheese it gets too thick 
Once the cheese is mixed and the gnocchi are cooked add it to a pan and mix it all together ad I like to top it off with some  more cheese the bake it for about 20 min 
Now take out the ooey-gooey cheesy ness and enjoy!!! 
Later lovies 

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