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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

So Instead of doing my normal weekly wrap up this week I had alot of family time stuff going on so it is just going to be a fill in on my easter weekend and my family and alot of pictures that I took and such

So first and foremost since I did spend the weekend at my parents house I got to see my puppy!!! shes not really a puppy anymore at almost 6 but she will forever be my puppy lol 
I also went to TCBY with my parents for some frozen yogurt and they had peeps for easter!! 
I Loved my easter ouftit today I wore a Jacket from the Gap, my necklace was from old navy, and just a peachy colored tank from American Eagle 

now as a Slovakian we make Paska and Potato Pagach and this traditional bread has been passed down and is now made by me and my mom we start on friday night preparing the dough and then bake them on saturday morning and this is probably one of my favorite holidays because of this bread I can't even explain how much I love it!! We also made perogis on friday which I am probably going to do a seperate post on how to make.

And the left picture is a picture of the Paska bread, and then the right picture is just kinda all our Solvakian food out for breakfast consisting of Paska Potato Pagach and Keilbasa :) 
I hope you all had a wonderful easter! and I will probably be doing a how to perogi video tomorrow so be sure to look out for that!! 
Later lovies :) 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gnocchi Mac and Cheese

So I figured this weeked is easter which for me means quite a bit of food so while knowing im going to eat alot i figured why not start it off right with some gnocchi mac and cheese! 
Delicous sooo cheesy 
for this you will need: 
- gnocchi you will need to bags or boxes or your own homemade if you wish 
- you will also need about a quater cup of milk maybe alittle more you can judge 
- butter
- garlic
- flower
- your choice of cheese I used chedder and mozzarella 

I also made chicken so for that you need
- chicken breasts
- Italian seasoning of bread crumbs 
- 1 egg 
- butter

So this is the chicken that I  made pre baking and for both of these I set my oven at 350. So with the chicken I first dip it in egg cover it with progresso bread crumbs place it on a baking sheet and slice butter really thin and place it on top of the chicken then back for about 15min, but depending on chicken thickness cut the chicken open just in case. 

Next you need to cook the gnocchi by slowly adding it to a pot of boiling water, the gnocchi are done once they are floating then take them out with a big spoon preferably with slits in it ( totally not proper terminology i'm sorry ) 
While cooking your gnocchi on the side prepare your roux and your cheese mix. first by melting a table spoon of butter in a small sauce pan, once melted add garlic and cook until it is fragrent. Next add a table spoon of flower and mix untill combined ad thick. Once thick add a quater cup of milk and mix until it starts to ticken then begin to add cheeses. I didnt measure my cheeses mostly because I love cheese and i wanted it super cheesy so I would cheese to taste. Which is when you may need to add more milk if with the cheese it gets too thick 
Once the cheese is mixed and the gnocchi are cooked add it to a pan and mix it all together ad I like to top it off with some  more cheese the bake it for about 20 min 
Now take out the ooey-gooey cheesy ness and enjoy!!! 
Later lovies 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

DIY Photo Craft

So since I am moving back in to my parents house come May I decided to do alittle craft for our parting ways until we are stable enough to live together. So I thought I would paste pictures of us on to the first letter of each of our names and he would keep the S and I would keep the E. So now I am going to show you how I did it and what it came our like 

First thing first you will need are pictures I printed out some blac and white pictures of both of us in 3x3 on an 8x10 sheet of paper then I bought two wood letters from michaels they were about $3 each and lastly some modge podge and a spnge to apply the modge podge.... say modge podge five times fast I dare you!! lol 

Next step cut and lay out your pictures the way you want them just to kind of get an idea of where things are going I like to be organized so this helped me plan out my favoirte pictures and how they would fit 

On to modge podging I applied it to both the back of the pictures and a thin later on the actual wood I also applied it over the edges on top of the pictures when I put them down this just helped to make sure that no corners come up and it does dry clear so no worries however quick little think if you apply tooo much it may distort the color of the picture alittle which happened to a few of mine so make sure that you used thin layers of the modge podge the sponge soaks it up so even if it doesnt look it there is some glue on it 

My finished product!! I like the way the S came out much better because like I said some of the pictures on the E i used too much modge podge so I may end up re-doing it but I really love how it came out with the black and white and I love the layout of the pictures I used. 
Hope you enjoyed this quick little DIY and try it out whether for your kids your spouce or even with your sibling for your parents I think its a really great Idea!! 
Later lovies :) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Week 3/18-3/24

Ohhh hello there it is the end of another week so it is time for another week recap! This week went from being alot of fun to me being sick :( I came down with a cold yesterday had a really bad soar throat and was all sorts of congested today I am feeling better for sure but still not 100% so I have just been hanging around got my self a boston creme donut this morning because i didnt feel good and thats what i wanted diet means nothing when your sick in my mind lol but ill be back to running and working out tomorrow for sure!! 

What are my inspirational thoughts?
"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one"

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" -Winston Churchill

Did i do anything exciting?
I did a couple things that were pretty exciting :) and alot of them had to do with food lol I went to taco tuesdays, wing night, and cheese burger in paradise damnnnn lol but they were all sooo good and youll see them more in the food section lol But the really exciting thing that i got to do this week was go to a country bar to go line dancing

Me and my roommate pre line dancing. It was so much fun and I cannot wait to go back!!! I am a pretty fantastic line dancer if I do say so myself ;) lol it took some time but I think I got pretty good and its deffiniatly a hobbie that I am thinking about taking up 

What did a stuggle with/ could improve on?
This week actually went pretty well and didnt have too many struggles things went pretty well and I feel as though I am doing well at organizing my time and remaining patient and trying to live a healthy happy life... asside from getting a cold obviously 

Favorite food/ snack?
Ohhh food :) this week was full of it and it was all delicious
first off are chicken tacos from taco tuesdays. So essentially taco tuesdays is when a local bar The Warehouse has special tacos for tuesday nights they vary from beef to chicken to pulled pork tacos and they are delicious!! each comes with five tacos either soft or hard shell we also at our table split a side of fries which are amazing there also!! and i really want to go back this week and try something different off their menu because they have over 50 types of burgers and that intrigues me :) 

Now on to wing night at the Golden Rail, they have about 6 different wing flavors my favorites are the BBQ and Teryaki now generally I am not a wing person because I dont like eating things off the bones... but I am working on broadening my food horizons and in this case I am really glad I did. 

And lastly Cheeseburger in Paradise for a bbq cheddar turkey burger. I am not a huge burger/ ground beef fan so the fact that at cheeseburger in paradise you can replace a burger with a turkey or vegy burger is aweseome!!! and this came with the turkey burger cheddar cheese, bbq sauce, red onions, pickles and lettuce it was perfection!

Along with my burger at Cheeseburger in Paradise I got this gem
Frozen Sangria say whattttt lol and ofcourse it came with the adorable pineapple with sunglasses which was just too perfect! But this was frozen strawberry sangria and it was fantastic but went right to my head so I would suggest that you have someone else to drive you home luckly my roommate drove

New suggested products, movies, ect
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) Poster
This week me and Eddie went to see Oz the Great and Powerful it was a really great movie we saw it in 2D because 3D tends to hurt both of our eyes but it really was a great movie regaurdless the effects were amazing and the storyline was great there are deffinatly things that shock you and they throw in really great  twists that you wouldnt expect.... or atleast I didn't Im not sure if the plot is well known but I didnt know it going in and I really loved it 

Netflix hook?
Investigation Discovery shows they are essentiallys about like crimes and people who commit them so the first series I wanted who the bleep did I marry and now I am watching nightmare next door. So they are just really interesting to me

School stuff?
Two of my Four midterms have gotten back to me and I did really good on both so right now school is going fantastic for me and I'm really nervous/ looking forward to graduation in a few months 

Favorite app?
I just downloaded food feats which is essentially a bunch of restaraunts that have food challenges and I am really excited to start using that soon!

well thats about it for this week I think I hope you all had an awesome week and are refreshed and ready to start the next one!
later lovies :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Outfits Galore!!

So today I am just going to show you guys collective outfits from the past few weeks that I have worn ad where I live it is still pretty chilly so I haven't jumped in to spring clothing yet but hopefully soon lol so some of the items are springy but most are cold weather appropriate. 

So first of all I am sorry for my mirror it is dirty and just idk im sorry it wont get clean :( but anyway for this outfit I am wearig just a plain V-neck sweater from the Gap my pink jeans are from TJmaxx but they are american eagle so I was really suprised to find that deal becuase me personally fit best in american eagle jeans i dont know why but i feel like they just fit the best. My scarf is also from TJmaxx which you will notice in probably all of these outfits my scarfs are from TJmaxx because I'm obsessed and lastly my wach is from coach which secretly I also got at TJmaxx!! lol Oh and my boots I got from Famous footwear

This outfit is alittle bit more relaxed because the sweater is almost the feeling of a sweatshirt ad it is so insanely comfortable. So the navy sweater is from Gap my jeans are a dark wash jegging from American Eagle My scarf is again from target and the brown boots are also from famous footwear ad ofcourse my white coach watch.

So this was my night out outfit last weekend So fro this I had first A tank top from American eage which had a sheer back then because its cold I put a nice black blazer from H&M over it. I wore black jeans from the Gap and my booties are from steve madden i got them quite awhile ago though but i really love them. 

This was my outfit out to dinner last night actually and for my top i am wearing an Army green button up from American Eagle Dark wash jeggins from American eagle for my bottoms and thne this really awesome gold leaf necklace which i believe I got a couple summers ago at a boutique in NYC. 

So for this outfit I am wearing a mint green sweater from H&M with dark wash skinny jeans from American Eagle and My boots are from Bass they are like a grey brown, lastly on to jewlery my necklace is from Ann Taylor Loft who has a ton of awesome jewlery as well as very classic and basic clothing. So my watch from coach lol againnn and then two alex and ani bracelets

Again sorry for the dirty mirror but this outfit Is just simple i wore it to class you could wearing pretty much anywhere so Its this really comfy gret v-neck sweater from the Gap and My green scarf is obviously from TJmaxx lol but I like it because its a really awesome pop of color to any outfit. My jeans are just dark wash skinny jeans from American Eagle and then my black boots again from Famous footwear.

This outfit made me feel alittle springy because of the aweseom peach button up from American Eagle which i really love for spring because you can just throw it over a tank and shorts in the summer or wear it as a whole outfit in the winter. under it i just have a basic black tank top and then i have dark wash skinny jeans from american eagle my coach watch and a pair of like light blue toms 

So my last outfit I am wearing this really cute shirt from maurices I am not sure how prevalant maurices is uhmm I know there was one in my home town and ive only ever seen like one or two others so idk but i really love the lace becuase it goes down the length of your arm which is a really  cute detail and other than that its a basic purple 3/4 length tshirt and there are black lines through out it that kinda makes it look snake skin idk but i love it lol and then I am just wearing dark wash skinny jeans from american eagle and black toms that are super worn in i feel like im moving in to their last summer with me so I am very sad :( lol 
I hope you enjoyed this and I will try to do this alittle more often and try to keep up with taking pictures of my outfits
Later lovies :) 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spa Sunday Essentials!!

While I am completely aware that i look like a ghost lol I am weraing no makeup because I am about to have my spa day sunday :) which I try to do almost every sunday night to really calm down and decompress from the week which I think is important for being fresh and prepared to begin the next week with an open mind. Its a time to let go of the past and look forward to the future. 
So to really get this night started I use a few essential products 
So my first and foremost essential is my stress releif bodywash/bath foam because you cant have a spa night with out an amazing smelling bath and this scent is perfect!!! It just completely relaxes me and combined with the warm water really loosens your muscles. Next is the face mask the one I used this week was a Mudmask from Ahava, now i like this one becuase you only have to leave it on for two minutes and im one of those people that if there is something on my face i want to scrape it off lol so not having to leave it on for more than a couple minutes its great it also even though its mud for some reason just makes me free like my skin is fresh and clean lol I dont understand why seeing as its mud but im a strange duck so i dont really concern myself lol... and lastlyyy my deep hair conditioner now this is from pantene and honestly i went to target looking for a deep conditioner last week but at the same time i wasnt trying to pay like 20 dollars so this one is relatively in expensive and i really feel like it did make my hair feel really soft and smooth and when i combed it out it was so much less tangly i dont kow if that a random coincidence or what but I loved it lol 
now on to my motivational essential so I like to be productive like all the time so listening to a podcast while in the bath and doing my spa things is great for me because i feel productive listening and learning and this is espeically true with my jillian michaels podcasts because honestly who is going to motivate me to be healthy and workout better then jillian michaels. while i didnt work out today because i have the worst stomach ache ever and i have no idea why i did eat very healthy and I have planned out a grocery list around some of the advice she has given. Now when picking your ideal inspirational podcast there are alot to choose for i mean i have one that is from a chef who offers healthy eating advice and then i have jillian and those are my only two subscriptions currently but I am also not a very religious person so looking for motivation with out religion was pretty difficult and I may try to listen to some Joel Osteen because i just love the way he speaks and he is so inspirational and truthful and even though i am not a complete beleiver in everything he says somethings really resonate. So picking a podcast that inspires you i think is very important and takes time but at the same time I think these are perfect ways to improve your mind and help you become a happier and healthier person 
now that i had my rants enjoy my crazy mud mask face lol and yes i am wearing clothes i have a towel/robe thing on lol its from hello kitty :) 
later lovies 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

My week

I am literally doing this from my bathtub right now no judgement here but im taking advantage of free time lol and mentioning that i am going to do a sunday afternoon/night relax elimination free thought period essentials! Because this is how i de-stress from my week and prepare to start a new one which i think is very important for a clean and healthy mind. So on to my week review also my new thing this week is podcasts specifically jillian Michaels i just love her and i really enjoy her podcasts because when i went to look for a podcast to listen to i wanted someone inspirational and informative and motivational... Which is difficult to find without being spiritual and right now in my life i do not have very spiritual attitude and i have not really established a spirituality or spiritual view so i am looking for inspiration yo lead a better mind set with out being spiritual and her podcasts are fantastic! So i deffinatly recommend them

What are my inspirational thoughts?
More knowledge lesser the ego lesser the knowledge more the ego

We dont control the world we control the world we control how we respond to the curve balls life throws at us

Did i do anything exciting?
Nothing incredible i went to see my mom for her birthday so didnt really have a crazy st pattys day plans

What did a stuggle with/ could improve on?
I had a rough week and got some tough information and it took me some time but i finally realized that it is more important to take the struggles and use them as motivation. I need to learn from my past and embrace my future and be prepared for any possibilities and i need to work on having a positive mind in order to be successful

Favorite food/ snack?
Kielbasa!! Easters coming so as a slovakian i had kielbasa for the first time and it was delicious
Naked juice lovin all week its delicious my favorite is the berry boost i think it has blueberries and blackberries but its deliciousss

Favorite tv episode?
Biggest loser again!! Lol im obsessed and i love dani shes an inspiration

New suggested products, movies, ect
So i am really in love with my new eye make up remover from nutrigena because make up wipes tend to hurt my eyes and make them red and irritated so i started putting this on a qutip and taking my eye make up this way and honestly it has helped tremendously

Netflix hook?
Supernatural me and eddie have been watching it quite a bit this week and we have been going through the seasons for awhile and its just so good

School stuff?
Two midterms tomorrow ahhh im really nervous so i have been tryimg to be focused and get it doen

Favorite app?
Candy crush

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spur of the moment target haul!!

So this afternnon instead of studying I decided a target visit was inorder I mean its been like a whole week come on... 

So lazy outfit day today im in an oversized hoodie and a yankees hat 

So eddies purchases were cool ranch doritos and cheddar cheese lol he want nachos when he get home from class.. 

I am sorry these are upside down but my much healthier food purchases blueberries and then a Naked juice which has blueberries black berries apples and bananas and then a arnold palmer pink lemonade now im joking about the healthy stuff because this is what i did with the blueberrys

Again sorry I didnt edit photos today because I have homework to do so the pictures are sideways :/ but this is a pantene hair treatment that I am going to try and I will let you guys know what I thin kof it after I use it a couple times 

So these are three elf products I got and if you keep scrollign I will swatch the lip colors so the first is a lip stain in nude nectar a jumbo lip gloss in pink umbrellas and the blush is in the color tickled pink 

I am also really excited to try this mud mask which I will probably do sunday... maybe lol so I will let you know what i think of it 

lastly I got a nail polish from sally hansen in the color coral reef which i think i will be wearing alot for spring and summer 

So this is and okay picture of the swatches but the top color is the stain and the bottom is the jumbo lip gloss 

and this is what the combination of booth looks like on my lips sorry for the scary face :O 

Later lovies :) 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I love zucchini

So I am A huge!!! fan of zucchini it is probably my favorite vegetable and I will eat it any and every way possible. So last night while I was making dinner I decided that I would show you all one of my favorite ways to cook and eat zucchini. Now mind you I am in college and while I do live in an appartment I dont have a full fleged grill with me instead I have gods gift to non girll folk and that is a george forman and I can tell you that I use this thing all the time!!! because grilled vegetables are my favorite. 

First cut up the zucchini in to diagonal slices I try to make them thin because they cook faster that way but Im not a chef here so just slicing in a diagonal as best as possible works for me
After I cut the zucchini I put them in a large zipplock bag to which I add salt pepper, garlic powder, olive oil, and dried basil leaves

Now its time to shake!! I shake up it all in the zipplock back making zure that each peice of zucchini is getting coated

Then I lay them evenly out along the george forman and close the grill for about 10 minutes I check it periodically though because some of the really thin ones will cook faster 

Once they are soft and cooked through I take them off the grill and pile them on to my plate so this is my lovely dinner in total for last night I had breaded chicken that I baked the zucchini and potato wedges that I also baked if you would like a how to on either of those leave a comment below because I frequently cook them
later lovies