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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fashion Woes

My desire for spring fashion has left me with the woes of a poor college student lol :) So this post is just going to be a wish list of sorts for spring fashion hopefully in the coming weeks when I have some money I well purchase a few Items and they will no longer be my fashion wishes but my fashion purchases. I think I'm Going to do this in a series of different posts one per store

So the first is Now I discoverd this website through the youtube channel Hellokatyxo she is adorable and I love her style she posts an assortment of fashion and beauty videos so if you get a chance deffinatly check it out.

1.  $27 and its really adorable, I am really likeing pastel colors with a hard edge for spring So im really loving the purple with spikes/studs 
2. Next is this simple cursive love bracelet in rose gold which is only $12 
3. Alittle bit more at $30 is this Serena Bracelet but I love the pastels and style of it. 

1. these turquoise earings are $12 and are adorable two color stoned drop earings
2. Crystal starfish studs for only $10
3. these are probably my favorite hoop earings I have ever seen, in a coral color for $14
4. just simple stone earings for $15 so cute!
5. coral and gold three drop earings for $14
6. Alittle edgier spike earings for $10
7. I feel like these almost look like dream catchers and they are so cute in gold for $16
8. Flower rose gold earings i think these look so classy and with a spring dress i think they would look amazing. for $12

1. I really love bigger statement necklace and this matches the first earings in the previous picutre and I think they are both just an amazing turquoise color for $18
2.  for $27 I love the green pastel
3. $30 and a bit edgier which I think is neccessariy to have a few edgy peices this season
4. $24 Coral and gold drop necklace I love the bolder necklaces and really want to see how i like them
5.  I really like the color and they kinda look like flowers so adorable $30
6. Alittle cheaper and not as bold in a peach color $18

1. $10 spike ring in purple pastel simple and cute
2. $14 spike rings in gold and a darker silver love the edge could go with a very girly dress Waffle-Knit Infinity Scarf
Lastly this scarf is adorable and I know its not too springy but I love the army green color

Hope you enjoyed this and I will probalby have another store up later today or tomorrow and then once I have finished all of my spring shopping Ill post some of my purchases

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DIY Studded Shorts!!!

I have been pretty excited to do othis for awhile now so I was excited these arent spikey studding or anything but I like the way it came out 

So Heres how I did it. 
Step one grab an old pair of shorts and get some push pin type studs from Michaels or any craft store I found them in the scrapbooking section 
These worked really well because they pushed right through the jeans 
Next you take the pins and push them through the jean each backing has two tongs i guess and pull them appart to secure them 
Push through 

Pull appart

Flatten out and secure 
and tada I dont know how many pins later and a few pokes in the finger and this is the final product :) 

Cannot wait to wear these!!! 
If you like DIYs or Tried this out for yourself leave a comment below so I can check out yours!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Week! 2/18-2/24

So this is the start of a new series of posts that I am going to try to do every week it is going to be just a review of my week what I did, my favorites of the week and such. Hopefully soon I will have a set of questions that I will answer everyweek but Since im just starting it this will be a rough draft of questions Im going to be asking lol so here goes nothing!!

Question 1: What are my Inspirational Thoughts?

"In the Last Year I have come so far and I feel I have grown so much an I like the person I have become. This improvement seems to make me more sure that my future is headed where I want it to and I will only continue to becoming a better Person"

"Sometimes I feel that I try to rush into growing up and becoming an adult that I am missingout on whats in front of me I want to better grasp whats at hand and love more in the present than in the future" 

Question 2: Did I Do Anythign Exciting?

Yes!! I went to New York City yesterday with my friends Courtney and Missy. Missy was going on a date so me and Courtney decided we would go act like tourists in times square we went to olive garden the hersey and m&m stores then toysRus and lastly sephora where we walked around sampling makeup for about an hour lol 
Train time!!!

Potato Parmesean Crusted Chicken OMG delicous 

Chocolate Mouse ;)

easter bunny m&m 

Picstich of our random ToysRus adventure 

Question 3: What did I struggel with/ Could improve on? 

My time management is a constant struggle for me :/ and not being forgetful of things that I need to do like writting this just reminded me I have to go do something lol

Question 4: Favorite food/snack?

 Pretzel Crusted Chicken!! So I went to cheesecake factory to meet up with my parents this week and my mom saw this on the menu and was like we need to try these and I completely agreed so we did and they are delicious if you ever go to a cheese cake factory I endlessly recomend them. Its like the perfect combination of salt with chicken and it comes with like a dill ranch dipping sauce. They were fantastic!

Question 5: Favorite Drink? 

Now if you are under the age of 21 continue on to question number 6 lol sorry... 
Chilis Mango Presedente margarita... is delicous and for nation margarita day I couldnt pass up the opportunity ;) 

Question 6: Favorite TV Episode?

Biggest loser this week was great so full of drama and I dont want to seem like a horrible person but Im glad francalina( hope i spelt that right) went home, I think she should have gone home last week and she didnt so I was glad she went home this week 

Question 7: New Suggested Products, Movies, Ect.?

Nothing I can think of at present time I know I have bunch of things in my need to try section of where all my make up is so once I try them out and stuff I will have one probably for you guys. 

Question 8: What am I hooked on on netflix?

WALKING DEAD omg i went through 5 episodes yesterday alone.. none today yet but im sure its in my future for the evening

Question 9: Favorite app? 

Dead yourself.. the walking dead app is so awesome and entertains me for a good hour atleast. 

So this is about all I have for this week!! But hopefully I will have some more/ better questions for next week and I hope you all enjoyed!! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Daily Look

Today I am just really breifly going to discuss the website daily look as well as some of my favorite outfits that are on it. As the name indicates posts different looks and outfits each day usually 3 new ones per day, and as well as posting these adorable looks they sell each of the items in the look seperately! As if that wasnt enough usually the day of the outfit and a day or two following the items from that look are discounted. So boots that are normally 50 dollars get discounted to about 40 jewlery thats 15 or 16 gets discounted to 9 or 10. Its truly amazing. Once you become a subscriber to daily look you begin to build up points, you get points for using social media to promote daily look as well as for purchasing items from daily look. So if you are interested definatly check them out from the link below!

and if you want to see some of my favorite of their spring looks Just see below

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chicken Parm Pizza


Today I decided to make chicken parm pizza now this is super super easy and delicious me eddie and my roommate downed it all lol. So are based on personal opinions or desires we are cheese lovers so we made it super cheesy.

- 3 Skinless boneless chicken breasts
- Italian Seasoning (I used Progresso I beleive) 
- parmasean Cheese Just a handful
- 1 egg 
- Olive Oil (enough to coat the bottom of a pan)
- Pasta sauce which ever desired brand
- about 1 cup of mozzarella cheese 
- Pilsbury Pizza Crust
To start I put olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat until the oil is hot while waiting for it to warm up I mixed italian seasoning with parmasean cheese an egged the defrosted chicken and then covered it with the italian bread crumbs and parmasean cheese. By then the oil is easily hot so I place the chicken in the frying pan flipping about half way through cooking and the amount of time depends on the thickness of the chicken breast
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F and roll out pizza dough on to cookie sheet press out with your fingers until it almost completely covers the cookie sheet once the oven is preheated put the crust in alone for about 8 min. 
Take out the ough and layer with sauce chicken and cheese bake for about 5 more min and enjoy the cheese goodness :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

 Happy belated valentines day!! 
So I finally have some spare time which means I'm going to start bloging yay! today I went to michaels and got a few things for some DIYs which I'm really excited for and I cant wait to finish and get up and I have some additional ones that I am planning in my head I also might film some health meal ideas and figure out a few more things to post about. But the main focus of this blog is going to be as Eddie calls it "lovey dovey day" as well as just some randoms lol So click below if you want my vday make up as well as some other cute pics 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!

I am so sorry that I have been MIA my senior project is due in a week so all of my focus has been going in to that but I plan on starting right back up with some fun interesting new blogs once that is through!! I have some DIYs I really want to do and some other stuff so thats all to come. In the mean time recently I have obviously been working on my project I am back at my appartment, I got the Iphone 5 :D, and obviously I am sitting in my appartment about to go make some spinach and artichoke dip for the superbowl Who are you all cheering for? I am hoping for the ravens, one of my best guy friends in a huge ravens fan so for his sake we are all cheering for the ravens lol So i promise to blog soon hope you have all had a wonderful start to february!!