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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chicken Parm Pizza


Today I decided to make chicken parm pizza now this is super super easy and delicious me eddie and my roommate downed it all lol. So are based on personal opinions or desires we are cheese lovers so we made it super cheesy.

- 3 Skinless boneless chicken breasts
- Italian Seasoning (I used Progresso I beleive) 
- parmasean Cheese Just a handful
- 1 egg 
- Olive Oil (enough to coat the bottom of a pan)
- Pasta sauce which ever desired brand
- about 1 cup of mozzarella cheese 
- Pilsbury Pizza Crust
To start I put olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat until the oil is hot while waiting for it to warm up I mixed italian seasoning with parmasean cheese an egged the defrosted chicken and then covered it with the italian bread crumbs and parmasean cheese. By then the oil is easily hot so I place the chicken in the frying pan flipping about half way through cooking and the amount of time depends on the thickness of the chicken breast
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F and roll out pizza dough on to cookie sheet press out with your fingers until it almost completely covers the cookie sheet once the oven is preheated put the crust in alone for about 8 min. 
Take out the ough and layer with sauce chicken and cheese bake for about 5 more min and enjoy the cheese goodness :)

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