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Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

 Happy belated valentines day!! 
So I finally have some spare time which means I'm going to start bloging yay! today I went to michaels and got a few things for some DIYs which I'm really excited for and I cant wait to finish and get up and I have some additional ones that I am planning in my head I also might film some health meal ideas and figure out a few more things to post about. But the main focus of this blog is going to be as Eddie calls it "lovey dovey day" as well as just some randoms lol So click below if you want my vday make up as well as some other cute pics 

First my non Lovey Dovey Day pictures
I'm just workin on my fitness... until i eat this

So my favorite snack of the moment thats totally unhealthy is a waffle with nutella and blueberries IN LOVE!!!

AHHH Snow storm nemo! 

okay Valentines day Time
First my nails are in the color Vertebra Left which is a really prettty coral color

On my eyes I used a silver base from my huge sephora palet then used a nb mineral eye shadow in sweet for my crease and the darkened the corners alittle more with a darker rose color from the sephora palet then I used a pencil liner from elf and my rocket mascera 

And this is just what my full hair and amke up came to look like I did a really light pink lip butter in Creamsicle and poise benitint from benifit on my cheeks 

And lastly my adorable gift from Eddie he knows my love for stuffed animals as well as chocolate ;) 
Hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day whether single or in a relationship its not just a day to love your significant other but a day to love everyone in your life 

Later Lovies! 

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