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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Teriyaki Kabobs

Finally A Food Post! 
It has been a while since I posted a recipe, mostly because all of my meals lately have been pretty basic and I have been working on getting the healthy eating down and now that I have a better understanding of nutrition and health I will hopefully be posting more foods. Now I am no expert and I am not a calorie counter so none of them will have calories and nutritional value information however I can say that they will be made with much more natural ingredients and much less sugar and little to know processed food. This also does not mean in any way shape or form that I am paleo I am just aiming to avoid processed garbage as much as possible and eat more organic although I realize the expense makes it hard those are just my general goals to eating. 

Now on to todays recipe is Chicken ( or steak ) Teriyaki Kabobs 
These were delicious! 

What you'll Need 
- 1 Package of Chicken (or Steak) 
- 2 Zucchini 
- 1 Green Pepper 
- Bag of mini potatoes
- 3 Onions
- Teriyaki Marinade 
- Olive Oil
- Salt or a seasoning

What to Do 
- First Chop up the vegetables in to manageable chunks 
- then add oil and seasoning to the vegetables 

- Marinate the Chicken for about an hour with Teriyaki Marinade 

- Then its time to stick it to em! 
- We first wet the Sticks this helps to keep them from burning too much on the grill it also puts moisture inside the stick to help cook through every thing. 
- while putting the meat and vegetables on kabobs be careful! I poked my self a few times and it was actually pretty painful 
- Cook them on the grill for about a half hour but be at the grill to watch them rotating to make sure that no one side burns and they are cooked through 
- Now enjoy! 

I really loved this recipe it was some work but it was worth it! 
Let me know if you try out this recipe and what you think of it in a comment below! 

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