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Friday, July 5, 2013

My Favorite Fitness App of the Moment

As someone who is just begining my look in to health and fitness and trying live better by living healthy one thing that I have been doing alot more recently is downloading any and all free fitness apps trying them out seeing what I do and dont like about them. My favorite of these apps at the moment is the app, I really like the layout and the accessability of this app not to mention that it is a free app and I can honestly say that I rarely pay for an app I'd rather my money go towards music. 
Any way so In general I love using and I am not what I would call a body builder and you dont have to be to use this site there is alot of good information about nutrition and exercise that you can get out of it, I would recomend signing up for an account and even if you dont use it religiously as I do its something to look in to in my opinion it has a wide range of programs and something for basically everyone my entire family has accounts and me and my brother use the app all the time especially at the gym and I will tell you why shortly

This is the main page of the app 
The My bodyspace, stats and goals, workout tracker, friends, and photos are all links to your own profile I like the stats and goals section as well as photos because they go by measurements and pictures rather than the scale because the scale is the enemy when it comes to trying to lose weight and be healthy 

My favorite section of this app is the exercise section 
When you click on exercises the first page you will come to lists different categories of exercises so strength training, plyometrics, ect. I also really like to use the streching section the variety of streches and exercises you get from the tab keep your workout changing and your body guessing so its not getting in to a groove with exercises its getting to experience different things. 
Once you pick a category of exercise it then narrows to the body part you want to target which I find very helpful in figuring out what muscle exactly a exercise is working out so you are not under or over working any particular muscle group
lastly once you pick your muscle then youre given a list of exercises when you pick an exercise you get images of how the exercise is done, a description of how to do it and what its working on, as well as the option to view a video of how to do it
I love this part of the app because It is handy at the gym If I want to try a new exercise or am not sure what to do to work out a specific muscle then I grap my phone bring this up and I am set I know the muscle I am working and I get to see and read the exercises before I do them so I know I am doing them correctly. 

Another part of this app that I love are the forums where both experienced trainers and unexperienced athletes can post as they wish the trainers have great in sight and the athletes are there to ask the questions that maybe you didn't think of but could be alot of help for you and your goals. 

I really hope you enjoyed this outline of my favorite fitness app of the moment and I hope you take advantage of this awesome app. 
Let me know in a comment below what you think of this app? If you use it? If you like a different but similar app better? 


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