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Monday, July 29, 2013

Just A Little Update!

Hello Everyone :)
not a lot but a lot at the same time has been going on with me, I have been working random hours and trying to study and spend time with Eddie and get all this craziness in before I get to school. We also had a minor mishap at my parents and spend the week fixing the pool so it was a hectic past week and I am ready to start a new week. I am one of those weird people who love Mondays because  I look at them as a fresh start and a new beginning a clean slate to a new week that you can make the best of. 

Before we move into this week I will share with you some of my fun weekend with my family in Saratoga. Going to the races in Saratoga has always bee one of my favorite things when I was younger we would go every summer, so it was a lot of fun for us to go back both my brother and I were of age to bet so we had a lot of fun as a family! 

my delicious white wine sangria

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