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Monday, January 7, 2013

13 Resolutions of 2013

Sorry for the delayed resolutions and delayed posting in general but its been a hectic week moving back and forth between my parents and my appartment and now I'm back at my parents. Also I currently have a cold so I have really been working on getting over it. While I usually am not one for making resolutions this year I am determined and I am determined to succeed with them. So here they are! 

My 13 of 13!!

1. Successfully Graduate in May with out any regrets of my last semester of undergrad
2. Eat Healthier; less going out for meals, better incorporation of vegetables, less unneccessary fats
3. Keep my Room and living spaces organized and tidy, come up for new different ways for organization
4. Be regular with updating my blog 
5. Take more pictures of people and places, the things that are important in my life
6. Be more responsible with money and controling my finances
7. Be productive with getting work done NO PROCRASTINATION! 
8. Dress more appropriately daily less sweatpants and hoodies outside of the house
9. Read more
10. Be better about washing my face and taking care of my face and hair
11. Decrease my stress level, working on relaxing and not freaking out over minor things, I have a real problem with one thing going wrong and it spiraling in to me being majorly stressed so I need to work on decreasing my stress level and how quickly I become stressed
12. Listen to more music this year I seriously slacked on my music downloading and expanding my collection and this year I really want to broaden my collection of music and maybe discover some new and different music
13. Try New things, DIY crafts, new foods, new experiences, meet new people, new places, and just open up my horizons!! 

So I hope you all enjoyed if you have any new years resolutions that you want to share comment below or leave a link to your new years resolutions!  

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