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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Target Haul!

Today I did some shopping at Target, now I dont have much income while im in school so In this trip I was lucky to find alot of great deals! This is one of the perfect times for deals because they are inthe middle of switching between seasons so gloves scarfs and hats are all on sale as well as some shoes and more winter items. So I was really luck on this trip and found some great deals click below to see my purchases

The first things I got were some school supplies a couple different colored folders and legal pads which I like to use to sutdy for exams these were the purpose for my target visit but I obviously shopped a bit more

Shoessss :) they were on sale for about 8 dollars so ofcourse I had to they are just plain black flats which I really needed actually They had a ton of shoes on sale so if youre looking for looking for new boots or flats then deffinitly check out target

Now these are the special gloves that you can use a touch screen with and I really needed these and ive wanted them for awhile so since they were on sale for about 2 dollars they clearly were boughten :) since frequently I go to eddies baseball games later at night its still cold in early spring so Im really glad Ill have these 

These were on a 2 for 5 dollar sale so I picked up some more hair elastics and a wide tooth comb which for some reason I dont have 

Gum and razors just some esentials 

Okay so the story behind the heart cookie cutters now they were just setting up with the valentines day stuff and I have been contemplating what to do for eddie for valentines day and I think that I am going to make him some heart shaped cookies or brownies or something and put them in the shape of a heart :) 

And lastly I picked up and Eyeliner pencil because my other one is at my appartment and I needed the sharpener and for a dollar from elf I think it was a well worth it purchase 

So total I spent about 35 dollars Pretty damn good for all that if I do say so :) 
Later Sweeties

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