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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Secrets of Marshalls and TJmaxx Shopping

Today I went Shopping with my parents and we went into Marshalls, now I have a minor obsession with shopping in TJmaxx and Marshalls its probably where I do 75% of my shopping. I get everything from purses and shoes, to clothes, to athletic gear to beauty products and even some home decor. Today on my trip I only picked up two things 
So I got Adidas running capris which were only 19 dollars and then a 5 dollar bottel of aveeno conditioner which is suposed to help keep in your color which I really needed since my hair color is starting to fade back to being lighter so hopefully this will help me out. 

Now for My Tips, Notes, Comments about Marshalls and TJmaxx shopping. 
- If you go in for something specific get it first so your browsing doesnt lead to you forgetting your pupose
- I almost always try on because some brands fit differently and sometimes there are even just different stlyes that will fit differently and there is such a variety there that you never know
- Check seams and stitching and make sure its worth the tag price 
- make sure your prepared to buy things I can never go in to just browse I almost always buy something
- check racks carefully and slowly you can find the treasures especially if you take your time
- Check seals when it comes to make up and other beauty products.
- my favorite items to get are fashion peices mostly because you can get them pretty inexpensively but they give you the same look especially when you know something might not stay instyle long so you want to go with the trend but dont want to pay for the trend 
- at the end of seasons or holidays there are usually huge sales but if you dont get there fast it can get pretty picked over
- If you see something you love and you know you want get it, no not like the ehhh i could maybe use this or ehh this is cute no like the omg i love this i have to have it because if you feel that generally other people do to and when you go back to look for it its not gunna be there anymore 

So thats about all I can think of right now if you have any Marshalls or TJmaxx tips or tricks leave them in a comment below because i could always use more :) 
later sweeties 

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