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Saturday, December 22, 2012

This past week or so has been insanely busy, Eddie came to CT with me for a couple days and we had alot of fun! Went to a Uconn game, went bowling, went to christmas village, decorated my parents tree and just had a great time together and was so sad he had to leave yesterday :(. But now its almost christmas and Im getting really excited today was my brothers b-day and we also put together a cookbook of old family recipes which were giving out to everyone at christmas so it was fun family bonding today. Along with an amazing dinner and lots of laughs just a classic day with my family it was great!
If you want to see pictures of this past week seeee moree beloww :D

The players lined up at the Uconn game... we had pretty awesome seats!

Husky Mascot love him!!

Eddie and my paretns dog howling so cute!

Christmas Village Elves and Mrs. Clause!

So this is the elves work shop its adorable and filled with lights and toys and acutal elves!! one year I volunteered as an elf it was a ton of fun, you get to make litte gifts to give to the children as the come through it was probably my favorite experience. 

Rudolph's barn


Me and Eddie outside of christmas village

Eddie playing kinect, the kinect is so much fun I got my brother angry birds for it for christmas and it is awesome!!

Coco desperately wanting the ping pong ball

ME I dyed my hair brown :O

And cupcakes for my brothers bday from Fresh Market they are so good!

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