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Monday, March 18, 2013

Spa Sunday Essentials!!

While I am completely aware that i look like a ghost lol I am weraing no makeup because I am about to have my spa day sunday :) which I try to do almost every sunday night to really calm down and decompress from the week which I think is important for being fresh and prepared to begin the next week with an open mind. Its a time to let go of the past and look forward to the future. 
So to really get this night started I use a few essential products 
So my first and foremost essential is my stress releif bodywash/bath foam because you cant have a spa night with out an amazing smelling bath and this scent is perfect!!! It just completely relaxes me and combined with the warm water really loosens your muscles. Next is the face mask the one I used this week was a Mudmask from Ahava, now i like this one becuase you only have to leave it on for two minutes and im one of those people that if there is something on my face i want to scrape it off lol so not having to leave it on for more than a couple minutes its great it also even though its mud for some reason just makes me free like my skin is fresh and clean lol I dont understand why seeing as its mud but im a strange duck so i dont really concern myself lol... and lastlyyy my deep hair conditioner now this is from pantene and honestly i went to target looking for a deep conditioner last week but at the same time i wasnt trying to pay like 20 dollars so this one is relatively in expensive and i really feel like it did make my hair feel really soft and smooth and when i combed it out it was so much less tangly i dont kow if that a random coincidence or what but I loved it lol 
now on to my motivational essential so I like to be productive like all the time so listening to a podcast while in the bath and doing my spa things is great for me because i feel productive listening and learning and this is espeically true with my jillian michaels podcasts because honestly who is going to motivate me to be healthy and workout better then jillian michaels. while i didnt work out today because i have the worst stomach ache ever and i have no idea why i did eat very healthy and I have planned out a grocery list around some of the advice she has given. Now when picking your ideal inspirational podcast there are alot to choose for i mean i have one that is from a chef who offers healthy eating advice and then i have jillian and those are my only two subscriptions currently but I am also not a very religious person so looking for motivation with out religion was pretty difficult and I may try to listen to some Joel Osteen because i just love the way he speaks and he is so inspirational and truthful and even though i am not a complete beleiver in everything he says somethings really resonate. So picking a podcast that inspires you i think is very important and takes time but at the same time I think these are perfect ways to improve your mind and help you become a happier and healthier person 
now that i had my rants enjoy my crazy mud mask face lol and yes i am wearing clothes i have a towel/robe thing on lol its from hello kitty :) 
later lovies 

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