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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

DIY Photo Craft

So since I am moving back in to my parents house come May I decided to do alittle craft for our parting ways until we are stable enough to live together. So I thought I would paste pictures of us on to the first letter of each of our names and he would keep the S and I would keep the E. So now I am going to show you how I did it and what it came our like 

First thing first you will need are pictures I printed out some blac and white pictures of both of us in 3x3 on an 8x10 sheet of paper then I bought two wood letters from michaels they were about $3 each and lastly some modge podge and a spnge to apply the modge podge.... say modge podge five times fast I dare you!! lol 

Next step cut and lay out your pictures the way you want them just to kind of get an idea of where things are going I like to be organized so this helped me plan out my favoirte pictures and how they would fit 

On to modge podging I applied it to both the back of the pictures and a thin later on the actual wood I also applied it over the edges on top of the pictures when I put them down this just helped to make sure that no corners come up and it does dry clear so no worries however quick little think if you apply tooo much it may distort the color of the picture alittle which happened to a few of mine so make sure that you used thin layers of the modge podge the sponge soaks it up so even if it doesnt look it there is some glue on it 

My finished product!! I like the way the S came out much better because like I said some of the pictures on the E i used too much modge podge so I may end up re-doing it but I really love how it came out with the black and white and I love the layout of the pictures I used. 
Hope you enjoyed this quick little DIY and try it out whether for your kids your spouce or even with your sibling for your parents I think its a really great Idea!! 
Later lovies :) 

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