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Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Week 3/18-3/24

Ohhh hello there it is the end of another week so it is time for another week recap! This week went from being alot of fun to me being sick :( I came down with a cold yesterday had a really bad soar throat and was all sorts of congested today I am feeling better for sure but still not 100% so I have just been hanging around got my self a boston creme donut this morning because i didnt feel good and thats what i wanted diet means nothing when your sick in my mind lol but ill be back to running and working out tomorrow for sure!! 

What are my inspirational thoughts?
"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one"

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" -Winston Churchill

Did i do anything exciting?
I did a couple things that were pretty exciting :) and alot of them had to do with food lol I went to taco tuesdays, wing night, and cheese burger in paradise damnnnn lol but they were all sooo good and youll see them more in the food section lol But the really exciting thing that i got to do this week was go to a country bar to go line dancing

Me and my roommate pre line dancing. It was so much fun and I cannot wait to go back!!! I am a pretty fantastic line dancer if I do say so myself ;) lol it took some time but I think I got pretty good and its deffiniatly a hobbie that I am thinking about taking up 

What did a stuggle with/ could improve on?
This week actually went pretty well and didnt have too many struggles things went pretty well and I feel as though I am doing well at organizing my time and remaining patient and trying to live a healthy happy life... asside from getting a cold obviously 

Favorite food/ snack?
Ohhh food :) this week was full of it and it was all delicious
first off are chicken tacos from taco tuesdays. So essentially taco tuesdays is when a local bar The Warehouse has special tacos for tuesday nights they vary from beef to chicken to pulled pork tacos and they are delicious!! each comes with five tacos either soft or hard shell we also at our table split a side of fries which are amazing there also!! and i really want to go back this week and try something different off their menu because they have over 50 types of burgers and that intrigues me :) 

Now on to wing night at the Golden Rail, they have about 6 different wing flavors my favorites are the BBQ and Teryaki now generally I am not a wing person because I dont like eating things off the bones... but I am working on broadening my food horizons and in this case I am really glad I did. 

And lastly Cheeseburger in Paradise for a bbq cheddar turkey burger. I am not a huge burger/ ground beef fan so the fact that at cheeseburger in paradise you can replace a burger with a turkey or vegy burger is aweseome!!! and this came with the turkey burger cheddar cheese, bbq sauce, red onions, pickles and lettuce it was perfection!

Along with my burger at Cheeseburger in Paradise I got this gem
Frozen Sangria say whattttt lol and ofcourse it came with the adorable pineapple with sunglasses which was just too perfect! But this was frozen strawberry sangria and it was fantastic but went right to my head so I would suggest that you have someone else to drive you home luckly my roommate drove

New suggested products, movies, ect
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) Poster
This week me and Eddie went to see Oz the Great and Powerful it was a really great movie we saw it in 2D because 3D tends to hurt both of our eyes but it really was a great movie regaurdless the effects were amazing and the storyline was great there are deffinatly things that shock you and they throw in really great  twists that you wouldnt expect.... or atleast I didn't Im not sure if the plot is well known but I didnt know it going in and I really loved it 

Netflix hook?
Investigation Discovery shows they are essentiallys about like crimes and people who commit them so the first series I wanted who the bleep did I marry and now I am watching nightmare next door. So they are just really interesting to me

School stuff?
Two of my Four midterms have gotten back to me and I did really good on both so right now school is going fantastic for me and I'm really nervous/ looking forward to graduation in a few months 

Favorite app?
I just downloaded food feats which is essentially a bunch of restaraunts that have food challenges and I am really excited to start using that soon!

well thats about it for this week I think I hope you all had an awesome week and are refreshed and ready to start the next one!
later lovies :)

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