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Thursday, April 11, 2013

A day of Healthy Eating

For the past few weeks I have really been trying to eat healtheir and consistantly healthy throught out the day , yesterday I had a particularly good day of eating (probably because I was at school from 8:30 to 6:30 which doesn't leave much room for snacking) so I decided that I would go through what I ate. I came up with this idea because I was thinking about what snacks to bring for my day and I really struggled, so in this struggle I thought there must be other people who experience the same feeling. So here I am to give some of my snacks and meal ideas to those who are contemplating what should I eat today? 

8:00 AM
- 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites scrambled with some pepper
- 3 large strawberries 

Mid Morning Meal
10:00 AM
- Pear Chobani
and alittle abnormal psychology 

12:00 PM 
- Spinach Leaves, half a cucumber, about a handful of low fat feta cheese, and low fat italian dressing
sorry the pictures blury

Afternoon Snack
2:30 PM 
now you may question my palette on this one
- Peanut Butter and Carrots 
I use JIF because they come in nifty little packs :) but I understand people may not be fans of peanut butter and carrots so if you want replace with your favorite carrot dipping condiment, or go just plain carrots which I do some days. 

- Stir fry with Chicken, Brown Rice, Zucchini, Red Peppers, and Teriyaki Sauce 

Hopefully you can take away a few ideas for you meal and snack plans, let me know if you like this idea/ style of posts in the comments below!

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