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Sunday, June 30, 2013

So I'm Buying a Laptop

I am in the market for a new laptop and I have NO idea what to buy I am clueless I currently have a sony vaio I love it because it is purple and pretty and everything but I have cracked the screen twice aka I am a cluts thier screens are so easy to replace which is positive so I dont know 

I have given thought to a mac but I am so used to working with windows do I want to switch or do I not want to switch, but I would really love the mac unique programs, I would love ivideo and iphoto but at the same time I know how to use my photo editor on windows and I understand how programs run on windows so less getting used to. 

I also have thought about getting one that is a touchscreen which I really like the idea of especially with the new windows which as a person of habit and not a fan of change I am nervous of so right now I am really focused on a lenovo touch screen I have heard lenovos are good computers thats the kind my brother currently has and he likes it so I dont know ahhh such a decision!

If you have any opinions on a computer What computer you have had? Computers you have liked? or Ones that you have not liked Pleaseee let me know in a comment below! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday makes it official I am no longer a 21 year old i have moved deeper into my twenties and dont feel any different.. maybe because I still look like an 18 year old but Ill take people thinking I'm younger for now Im sure I will appreciate it when I'm alittle older. Any way so I had a wonderful birthday Got to the gym for leg day then off to work and home to spend time with Eddie and my family. We went to Hibachi for dinner and it was great!!! Then I had a few friends over overall a very good birthday 

Yes I am wearing a minnie mouse crown my brother was clever and bought me a card for a 3 year olds birthday because it had a crown in it. I also got some new athletic shorts from my brother because they have zipper pockets so he doesnt have to hold things for me when we go to the gym I now have my own pockets. My parents also got me a Polar heart rate monitor that measures your heart rate and calories ect. which I am really excited to use be sure to check out instagram because I am sure I will have many pics with it in the near future Lastly eddie got me a bottle of pineapple malibu He knows me all too well. The drink is from  Hibachi it was peach something lol 

The Hibachi experience is awesome I recomend it to any and everyone!! I had chicken mixed vegetables and rice so delicious and its so entertaining he even made me a rice birthday cake with a candle I had to blow out!
Well today is my day off so off to do something exciting hopefully make sure you check out my twitter and instagram with more daily updates about what I am doing 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Squat Challenge

I hope you all had a wonderful monday!! I actually dont mind mondays its back to a schedual and a plan usually by wednesday I am dying for friday lol but for now I'm happy with my mondays. However this post is not about mondays al though today as long as the start to the week is the start to a challenge that I found on tumblr yes I have a tumblr it is pushhardermovefasterbestronger if you want deffinitly go check it out!! Anyway so after my morning workout I was eating breakfast and browsing tumblr and came across this awesome challenge and decided I could use to tighten up my butt up a bit so he goes nothing 
I am sorry for the huge butt picture lol 

I have completed day one of the challenge lets just hope that a few more days in a can actually do a squat lol If you decide to do this challenge with me deffinitly leave a comment below!! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Update, Graduation Party, Things to come

So just alittle update on what my plans are, this summer I do have a job so my week days are pretty well occupied as well as having to study for school since we have a test the first week. However even with this busy summer I have a goal to update twice a week and will with out a doubt post once a week I will try to post more I would love to post every day but at this point I really dont have the time especially if I want to post better quality posts which I do want to do and work on so yeah thats pretty much whats going on with that. 

Now with my current life today was my graduation party I had so much fun enjoying time with my family we had a breakfast with mimosas and a whole ton of different foods that my mom put together and it was really great 
The party was also very beachy themed I loved it my mom did an amazing job! Alot of the pastrys we got a fresh market which is kind of like a whole foods they were delicious!! 

So also coming up this week is my birthday!!! I will be turning 22 alot of my friends have not been handling the turning 22 well but I am actually doing okay with it I dont really see a problem maybe when I turn 25 age will hit me. I think since I still have 3 years of school being an adult hasn't quite hit me. 

I'm sorry this is a uneventful post but I will probably have a new one up tomorrow 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cha-Cha-Cha- CHIA

I have caved to the trend and have had my first Chia product. 

For those of you who dont know what Chia is or means, It is a seed that is mostly grown in mexico it comes from the plant Salvia Hispanica. The use of Chia seeds dates back to the Mayan's and Aztecs, more recently it is known by the fad Chia pets which is where many 90s kids know the cha-cha-cha- Chia comercials in which the Chia seeds were used in a clay mold to grow a grass that appeared like hair on what ever the clay mold was, I vividly remember my uncle buying my cousin a cat chia pet because she forgot to give him a list for Christmas. 

Now all this talk about seeds and plants my have you wondering so where does this come in with food? well there are many different ways to use these seeds they can be bought already in food, for example some Natures Path cereals are made with Chia seeds, it can also be bought in a drink form which is what I will focus on as I tried a drink from the company Mamma Chia, you can also buy it at your local grocery store and use it for baking or cooking on your own accord. 

Some of the positives of the Chia seed are that they can be used in products that are gluten free as well as vegan. They also contain Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids , Carbohydrates, Protein, Fiber, Antioxidants and Calcium 

The Chia product that I have tried out is Cranberry Lemonade by Mamma Chia

The Mamma Chia company started with Janie Hoffman the creator and now CEO who began using chia to benifit her own health and created the company to share these wonderful seeds with her community. The Mamma Chia brand has grown since its 2009 start, seeing as it has reached specialty stores such as whole foods in Connecticut it has branched pretty far since its San Diego beginings. The Mamma Chia Products range from the Vitality Beverage which is what I got as well as Mamma Chia Squeeze which Im not really sure what exactly they are but basically a squeeze togo pouch snack. There is tons more information about Mamma Chia and the amazing things that their drinks can do for you at

Now what you have all been waiting for I'm sure My opinion!  
So what do I think of this Mamma Chia drink? First of all I LOVE the flavor, I bought it in cranberry lemonade and it is delicious I also really want to try the Cherry Lime :) as well as many of the other flavors.
The texture is something unexpected I had heard of it before so I kinda knew what to expect, but for those of you who don't really know something with the chia seeds makes the drink almost gelatin like... not that I'm promoting drinking but I kind of think of it as a liquidy jello shot BUT HEALTHY FOR YOU !!! 
Also you may be thinking I don't really like the idea of a seed in my drink... but let me tell you , I hate smoothies that have seeds in them I just dont like there to be something crunchy in my drink call me crazy lol. But I really dont mind it in these the seeds go down really easy and once you get past the initiall omg this is really jello like its not bad at all! 

I hope this post was helpful!! If you have tried Chia in other ways besides these Mamma Chia drinks let me know in a comment below what you think of Chia seeds and other ways that you have used them! 


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How I Store Fruit to Keep it Fresh

My least favorite thing is when you buy fruit and everyday you want some you have to go in wash it cut up what you want and while this may make me sound lazy but I just dont feel like putting in that much effort every time and usually I go for fruit because I want something quick to much on or I am packing it for my lunch. So in order to make fruit easy to access I have started cleaning and cutting it up the day I buy it the packaging it in tuperware so that it is good to eat. 
Also part of my trick is putting a paper towel or napkin in the bottom of the tuperware to keep the fruit from losing its moisture and keeping them fresh. I also use tuperware that is easily stackable that way it takes up less space in your refrigerator much better than the plastic containers that the fruit may come in or in a melons case keep it from rolling around

Monday, June 17, 2013

Book Review

Just a little quick fun story to start off this post... I have been debating some different ideas for my blog post today bouncing around different ideas, so I decided to bounce and idea off of Eddie and the response I get is you know what you should blog about what not to do when your surfing, and he didnt suggest this because I am a great sufer and could give some pointers nope it was a suggestion of sarcasm because I am infact the worst surfer ever and took a surf board to my face. 
If you dont like details scroll past this lovely picture
quite the bruise on the inside of my lip its not a great picture but yes so my suggestion is if you try surfing when you fall off go under water and go under fast do not try to stop the board with your hands when a wave is crashing in to it go under water it will go over you instead of in to you

Now my real post today is going to be about an awesome book 
This book was my beach read and I loved every minute of it 
to understand my love of this book you have to understand how I read, when I read a book I think I am the character in the book not even joking when I read the Hunger Games I thought I was Katniss I had dreams about running through the forest and shooting arrows at squirrels So this DA turned Journalist who is determined to investigate adn find out every little detail is perfect for me Its alittle mystery and lots of drama you never know what will happen next and there are twists right to the very end, and I mean that you think the story is over but you have about 30 more pages and those last 30 will blow your mind. 
So do I recomend this book absolutely!! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to keep sandwiches sand free at the beach!

Hello!! as you may or may not know I am at the beach for vacation for the week just enjoying the sun and some fun with my family. Currently we are enjoying a coctail hour with some cheese and crackers and my favorite mango daquri. While on this vacation I pondered what on earth am I going to blog about this week, I could discuss my travels, some hot spots of my favorite places to eat some outfit choices the list was endless but then working to prepare sandwiches for the beach I realized my moms sandwich packing Idea was perfect it keeps your sandwich from getting soggy and if you do it propperly you can get a sand free sandwich. You can choose to follow by picture example or I will list steps below
1. Step one is to lay out all your meats we do this so that you have the options and everyone can make thier own sandwiches to thier liking
2. Pull out a peice of saran wrap the bigger you want your sandwich the more saran wrap you will need
3. Place the first meat selection on the end of the saran wrap so that theres alittle to fold over then fold it over again once so that the meat is not showing but the saran wrap is now if you want to add more meat add and then fold over again or you can move on to cheeses and do the same thing
4. once all the meats and cheese are added then just keep folding and seal the saran wrap at the end.
5. Place the wrapped up meats inside your slices of bread your roll or what ever you choose to eat a sandwich on then add mustard, mayo ect. to the middle of the roll. 
6. Place in a sandwich bag and lable and you are good to go 
we then took all the little sandwich bags and put them in a big freezer bag and pack in a cooler this is yet another sand prevention measure 

hope you all enjoyed this quick post! I probably wont post again until sunday with a vaca recap possibly a restaurant suggestion post who knows lol I hope you all are having a wonderful week! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What and How I Pack for Vacation

Since I will be leaving for vacation on friday I decided that I want to show how I pack my suitcase and what I pack for a 1 week Beach vacation
So lets start off with my suit case

Its a pretty small bag but it expands so it does hold alot I got it for my birthday but it was bought at TJMaxx so I would recomend if you are in the market for luggage to check out TJMaxx and Marshalls because they usually have pretty good selections for decent prices. 
Now lets take a minute to talk about clothes 
 Shorts wise I packed three pairs cute a fun sail boats, an army green, classic jeans, grey shorts, and lastly my bright pink jean shorts I feel like with this selection I pretty much cover my bases and dont have to over pack I am only going for 9 days lol 

Next I packed four of my favorite dresses neccessary for dinners out I have my long dress from khols two short ones one from old navy the other from tjmaxx and lastly just a basic black that I can wear anywhere any time which is from H&M 

I may have gone alittle crazy on the tank top front I brought seven I dont think I'm going to go through them one by one you get the gist simple tanks I can wear around

And incase it gets alittle chilly I have some long sleve shirts

Now lets see how I put this and all of my other stuff together
My bottom layer contains my shampoo conditioner suntan lotion and hair gel in the plastic bag that way they wont spill all over every thing. I also have a Sephora make up bag with makeup jewlery nail polish body wash hair brush deoderant you know all the beauty essentials Then I have my straightener and 3 pairs of shoes a pair of toms and two pairs of sandals a nice pair and a beach pair

In the upper portion of the bag I put my undergarmets and my bathing suits for this trip I have packed 4 

Now on top of the shoes and beauty items I placed a towel Then added some clothes my shorts sweatpants a sweatshirt and dresses

Then on top of that are some athletic clothes for hopefully a few beach runs and then my tanks and shirts on the right then my bag has these niffty little straps to hold it all in and tighten it up. In the front pockets I did throw in two coverups and I am going to put my running shoes. Then I will have a seperate backpack for my chords laptop and things that I forget or decide I "need" last minute

That is pretty much all I pack though so hope you all enjoy let me know in a comment if you have any tips on packing or how you like to pack for your trips.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Whats in my Purse

I have seen many a beauty guru on Youtube posting whats in their bag videos especially recently and even though I am far from a beauty guru I always love the videos so I thought I would do a post about what I carry in my purse at the moment. 

So the top left is my purse its not the greatest picture but essentially it is a black purse that I got at Target for about 30 dollars Its black leather like material and I love it because it has the smaller straps that I can just put over my shoulder and then it has a longer strap so it can be a cross body back if I want it to be. Next is my water bottle it is a 32oz. Nalgene bottle and I love it because It can hold alot of water and I dont have to be running though tons of plastic waterbottles I can just refill it and go I also usually carry my nook in my back I can play games as well as read whatever book I am currently working on Lastly my wallet is from fossil and I love it it is the perfect size to fit some loose cash as well as my neccessary cards. 

So these are pictures of things that you can find just floating around in my purse essentially first I have my sunglasses which are just from forever 21 I still really need to get a case though because I always feel like they are going to break since they are just thrown in my purse. then I have my umbrella which I am always afraid to leave the house with out as well as tissues because my allergies have been an issue recently. Next I have my headphones these are the ones that came with the Iphone 5 which I actually keep rolled up in the case they came in just for convinient packaging. Lastly I have some advil cold and sinus a granola bar incase I am somewhere with out food and my sodium levels start dropping, a pen and some gum. 

Now this little bag goes in side my larger one it is the perfect size for all my little beauty items. First off I have a mini of my perfume in the bag then I have 2 hand creams one is a st ives healing body lotion, then a philosophy grace hand cream and I also have a body butter from bath and body works ( I think I have an obsession with lotions) I also carry germx wipes and anti bacterial. I also carry a mirror and an eos lip balm I usually will throw in my mascara for the day and a lip stick if I am wearing one but I dont have them constantly in my bag. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post. 
Let me know in a comment below what do you keep in your purse? 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

May Favorite Things!

Is it just me or did the month of May fly by!! I can't beleive its already June, and I have a feeling that this month will fly by just as fast.
The month of May was very eventful for me though I Graduated from College, Moved out of My appartment, Got my Wisdom Teeth out and a whole lot more. I was constantly running around a busy but I still managed to find a few things that really stuck out ass my favorite things from May. Now this is my first post like this so essentially at the end of every month I plan on explainng what my favorite things were from that month and why they were my favorites it will range from food, to make up to clothing to random items. 

First Favorite is the Lotion from St. Ives , I am a huge St. Ives fan and I love this lotion is great as a hand lotion as well as on your body most recently I have been applying it to my sun burn and it makes the dryness of the sunburn feel amazing. 

Next I have been LOVING rasberries they are probably my favorite fruit and this is the perfect time of year to buy them I bought a Jumbo pack on friday and they are almost all gone because I just cant help but to be constantly eating them 

Now these chips my mom doesnt really like them but i love them they Kind of taste like veggie chips and I really like them they are made naturally and are only 100 calories a serving. 

This month i have been reading Jillian Michaels Slim for Life (yes the obsession with Jillian continues lol) But I really do love this book it provides easy steps to follow and is very simple to understand and use. 

my current game obsession is candy crush I am stuck on level 33 and cant beat it!!! all the other levels I have three stars on because I have this weird OCD where I have to get three stars before I can move on. Weird I know 

While it is way too hot to light a candle right now earlier in the month when we had a few chilly days I was loving my market Peach candle from Bath and Bodyworks it smells amazing!!! 

Lastly the nail polish that I have been wearing all month long is coral reef by Sally Hansen Xtreme wear and I love it, it is the perfect summery color. 

I hope you enjoyed my favorites let me know in a comment what your favorites are for this month and if you love any of the same things as me