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Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Outfits and Present Haul :D

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and got to enjoy your time with family and friends, I love holidays I have a decently large family and we all get together and have great time garunteed. So Christmas Eve will be my first outfit
So for this outfit I am wearing a Red Dress from Forever 21 its a velvet fabric. My jacket is also from forever 21 and its just a shimmery satin type fabric. Then I am wearing just some plain black tights most like from TJmaxx so if anyone is looking for in expensive good quality tights, leggwarmers, long socks I am telling you TJmaxx is amazing for that! My Boots are Black Suade and the brand is Banboo but I got themr from Famous footwear. 

Then for my Hair Its just downa nd straight and I used my basic everyday make up except with my wet and wild eye shadow trio using the dark rose color red for my lid and lining it with a silver eye liner pencil 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Partayyy

My brothers girlfriends family had and elf themed christmas party tonight it was so cute they decorated with paper cut out snowflakes and ring chains and it was adorable so I am going to show you guys what I was wearing clothes and make up wise and yeahh :) I hope you enjoy

Saturday, December 22, 2012

This past week or so has been insanely busy, Eddie came to CT with me for a couple days and we had alot of fun! Went to a Uconn game, went bowling, went to christmas village, decorated my parents tree and just had a great time together and was so sad he had to leave yesterday :(. But now its almost christmas and Im getting really excited today was my brothers b-day and we also put together a cookbook of old family recipes which were giving out to everyone at christmas so it was fun family bonding today. Along with an amazing dinner and lots of laughs just a classic day with my family it was great!
If you want to see pictures of this past week seeee moree beloww :D

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bath and Body Works Haul

Over the last month or month in a half I have gone bath and body works crazy... I'm minorly obsessed! Especially on Cyber monday I went crazy with multiple purchances and multiple cupons because they had amazing deals and I am the cupon queen not like extreme cuponer or anything but I love them and stock up when I get them. So anyway some of these things are Christmas gifts for my mom and my roommate others are things I'm currently using and some are things that I am giving my mom to put in my stocking So Click read more if you want to see what I've got how I feel about the products and who I'm giving them to.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Every Avenue Last Call!

For the last few days I have been feeling under the weather with a head cold kept me from doing anything on saturday and I spent pretty much all of yesterday in bed. However, last night was the Every Avenue Last Call Concert which I just could not miss. They are quite possibly my favorite band and this cold wasnt stopping me. The concert was amazing just as every every avenue concert is adn I'm so glad I went. Set it off, Conditions, and Car Party also played with them and never having heard Car Party of Conditions before Im really glad I got to. However the consequences of me going is that now on top of my cold I have no voice so I will be spending my day on the couch watchign christmas movies. 
Read more for pictures of the concert!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

New York City :)

Yesterday I went in to New York City with my boyfriend and his dad we had a ton of fun went to see the tree as well as the 9-11 Memorial which left me speechless, if you have never been its deffinitly something you should go see.
 See Picture and more Below!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Finals AHHH :O

They are almost done and after them I will be updating more frequently I promise *pink swear* And a picture of my awseome Christmas Tree :)